A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,50

floor beside the bed and began applying a wet cloth to Elena's face. The smell of chamomile filled the room as she dipped the cloth back into the bowl.

"Perhaps I should sleep with my friends downstairs and allow you to tend to her," Gareth said, easing towards the door. When the woman shook her head he said, "I'll pay you well. You obviously know much more of healing than I do and--"

"And should she wake up in the middle of the night how do you think she'll feel to have a stranger here instead of her husband. No, come here and I'll show you what to do."

Gareth pulled the borrowed shirt over his head and crossed the room apprehensively. The woman stood and motioned him to sit on the edge of the bed next to Elena who appeared deathly pale in the firelight.

"Just wring that cloth out and wipe her face and throat gently with it." When Gareth did as she instructed, she leaned over and pulled the rough blanket down. "She's got a bit of a rattle in her breath. You'll want to put the compress on her chest as well to ease her breathing."

Gareth swallowed and concentrated on keeping his hands steady as he drew the pungent cloth between Elena's silken breasts.

"No not like that. You won't do her any good to just sponge her off. Here," she took the cloth from Gareth and dipping it back into the bowl, took his hand in her and pressed it over the cloth to Elena's chest. "Just hold it there for a few minutes and then rewet it. I'll go and see if there's anything to feed you."

Gareth looked studiously at the wall above the bed while he held the cloth against Elena's chest. When he removed it he carefully avoided looking at her and concentrated on meticulously dipping the cloth in the fragrant water and wringing it out. How long did he have to continue this, he wondered as he changed the cloth pressed to her forehead.

Elena inhaled suddenly and began tossing her head. Gareth froze, afraid to touch her. "Gareth!" she called. Gareth's eyes widened. What if she'd been conscious while he'd applied the cloth to her--

"Gareth," she called again. "They know, they..." Her words faded into an incoherent mumble.

"Shh," he whispered, awkwardly stroking her hair. "I'm right here."

Elena's eyes opened a little. "Gareth?"

"Yes. We're in an inn. Can you tell me how you came to be in the middle of the road? Elena? Why were you following us?"

Elena seemed not to understand what he was asking. "Promise," she mumbled.

"What? Promise what, Elena?"

"Don't...don't leave me again..."

"Don't worry," Gareth assured. "I'll be right here until you feel better."

"Promise," she whispered as her eyes closed again.

"I promise," he said, and since she seemed to be asleep, he leaned over and kissed her lightly on her fever-hot lips. Gareth leaned closer. Despite the fever, she was so pale he could make out a light sprinkling of freckles across her nose. He ran his finger over them lightly, smiling. He jerked his hand away quickly when a light tap on the door was followed by the innkeeper's wife carrying a tray.

"Since we've not had visitors for several days, I'm afraid there isn't much food ready, but I brought a bit of bread and some broth," she said apologetically. "You should try to get some liquid down her throat." When Gareth reached for one of the bowls to feed Elena, the woman shook her head. "If she's sleeping now let her be. Besides, you look exhausted. Why don't you eat while I change the compresses and then you can try to wake her."

Gareth nodded and took the steaming bowl of broth. He drained it in one long gulp and began gnawing on the thick dark bread. When he had finished eating, she took the empty bowl and said, "If she should take a turn for the worse, just pound on the floor. Ours is the room right below this one and I'll be right up. Now just keep changing those compresses until she starts to sweat. When that happens, keep her covered and warm. If the fever doesn't break by morning, I'll fetch the healer."

Gareth thanked the woman who closed the door softly behind her. Taking a deep breath, he moved back to Elena's side and took up the compress. Against his will, his eyes strayed to her bare breasts, which were the color of warm ivory in the light of the fire.

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