A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,40

the bailey of Middleham just a month ago. People were milling about, loading supplies onto packhorses and bidding farewell to family members. The only difference was that she had not cared that she was leaving Middleham and she found she was dreadfully sorry to be leaving Eyri Keep. She had felt more at home and at ease here than any other place she could remember. Spotting Enid, she started to walk towards her until Cynan grabbed his wife and kissed her passionately in front of everyone. Elena turned away, embarrassed to witness such an intimate scene--a scene that was being looked on with understanding and amused glances from everyone else. Enid had announced the night before that she was with child.

"Your horse is over here with us, my lady," Bryant said as he touched her elbow. Turning, Elena saw him staring at Cynan and Enid. When he realized she had caught him staring, he flushed. She was just about to turn in the direction he had indicated when Enid called her name.

"Here, I've packed you a few little goodies to make your travel and stay at Dinas Mawddwy more comfortable."

"Thank you, Enid. That's very kind of you." Elena could not remember ever saying that to another woman before.

"Are we ready to go?" Gareth asked.

"We were just waiting for you, you slugabed," said Cynan.

"I'll have you know I was up before the dawn this morning taking care of all the things you didn't finish yesterday," Gareth exclaimed with mock indignation.

Enid pulled Elena close and whispered in her ear, "They always tease each other the worst right before a journey. Like little boys, they are."

Elena smiled but her eyes never left Gareth. She had not seen him since the night of Rhys and Bronwen's arrival and she refused to believe that she had missed him, told herself she was simply curious as to where he had kept himself through meals, games of charades, dancing, and picnics Elena had enjoyed with the others.

Gareth turned to help Elena mount her horse when a blond woman dressed in servant's garb threw herself into his arms.

"You didn't say goodbye when you left me this morning," the woman said huskily.

Gareth looked extremely uncomfortable. "Yes, well, goodbye Senena," he said as he patted her back, trying to avoid Elena's stare.

"Here's something to remember me by on your travels." Grabbing his jaw, Senena tilted Gareth's head and kissed him soundly.

Amazed by the woman's audacity, Elena turned to look at Cynan and Bryant's reactions. Cynan was laughing with Enid in between kisses of his own. Bryant took one look at Elena, blushed, and began intently studying the toe of his boot as it scuffed at the dirt of the bailey. Gareth struggled out of Senena's goodbye kiss as Rhys strode up and bowed low to Elena.

"It grieves me to be unable to escort you to your journey's end, my lady. I hope it will not be long ere you visit Wales again."

Gareth had turned to Elena and was gesturing impatiently for her to mount her horse. Pointedly ignoring him, Elena leaned up on tiptoe and said "Here is something for you to remember me by until we do meet again," and kissed him full on the mouth. When Rhys moved to embrace her further, she quickly turned and climbed upon her horse unaided, despite the fact that her hands were shaking and her knees felt wobbly. Never had she been so bold with a man. And in public, no less! But the greatest emotion she felt was disappointment. Though brief, Rhys's kiss had left her cold, left her wanting…

"Gareth!" Morgan shouted. "We will meet you at Aberystwyth in one week's time. Agreed?"

Gareth tore his eyes from Elena's flushed face and looked across the bailey to where his father was already mounted. "Agreed. Godspeed!"

"And to you, my son."

"Take care of this English jewel, Gareth. I would be sore disappointed if she came to harm," Rhys said.

Gareth bestowed a sour smile on his cousin's retreating back before mounting his own horse. Bryant quickly followed suit, but Cynan and Enid were laughing so hard they had to hold each other up.

"Perhaps you had best stay here, Cynan. You seem to have caught some disease which renders you incapable of controlling your mirth," Gareth said acidly. Cynan paid no attention to him but kissed his wife once more and sprang onto his own horse.

Enid approached Elena and wiping tears of mirth from her face said, "You are a jewel indeed, Elena. Please come and

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