A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,32

breath at the slumberous look in Gareth's eyes. She was well practiced at knowing when a man was staring at her and she knew Gareth had watched her dance the last quarter hour. She had been absurdly pleased by that fact. But now as she stared back at him, all thoughts of coquetry and flirtation, in which she was so well versed, evaporated and all she could remember was the way his lips felt as they had explored hers. When Gareth shook his head and leaned back, Elena felt as if someone had dumped a bucket of cold water on her head. Was he telling her that he would not deign to kiss her again? Telling her that, no, he did not find her as attractive as she seemed to find him? Angry with herself for romanticizing this crude Welshman and furious with him for stirring up these emotions, Elena stood and said coolly, "I believe I will retire now."

Chapter 8

Elena avoided Gareth as much as possible over the next few days and Elena passed much of her time with Cynan's wife, Enid, discussing everything from mundane matters to her dreaded fiancee. As she talked with Enid, she discovered that more and more of the Welsh she had learned as a child came back to her.

"I am amazed how quickly you've learned our language," Enid said ten days after Elena and Gareth had arrived at Eyri Keep.

Elena laughed and put down her embroidery. "I told you, I used to visit south Wales with my parents every summer when I was a child."

"I know, but 'twas a long time ago. Surely you could not remember all you learned. Most English--" Enid laughed--"and Normans and French, and everyone else, think that Welsh is a horribly complicated language to learn and complain most bitterly about it. They say they cannot keep straight our pronunciations or words."

"'Tis no different than keeping household lines straight, I think. For some reason I can keep straight the lineages of most royal families. I just see this neat order in my mind of who married whom and the children they had. 'Tis the same for me for languages. I just seem to see the language in my mind. It becomes quite easy after that."

"You can read, then, can you?"

"I can. As an only child I quickly found I could bend my father's will to nearly anything I wanted. I decided I wanted to learn to read when I was six and he was unable to refuse."

"'Tis amazing. I think Cynan would give me most anything I asked, but he would draw the line at teaching me things like reading or politics." Over Elena's shoulder, Enid saw Gareth enter the room.

"I suppose I am a bit spoiled as a result of my father's indulgence," Elena explained, unaware anyone but Enid was listening, "but what else have women to look forward to? I'll not accept being told what to do and where to go. If that makes me spoiled and spiteful, so be it," she finished with a shrug.

"Don't let Earl Brackley, hear you talking so," said Gareth with a laugh as he crossed the room and leaned against the empty fireplace. "He'll be calling off the wedding if he finds out you're not as sweet and biddable as you look. He'll--" Gareth froze at Elena’s expression. It had been days since she’d thought of the crude earl…her fiancée. Caught off guard as she was, she was unable to school her features into careful nonchalance and she felt her eyes widen, physically felt the blood drain from her cheeks. As she stared at Gareth, she saw him chew his upper lip, watched his brows draw together as he realized that his teasing comment had been a terrible reminder. He glanced to Enid for help, but she was glaring at him, undoubtedly cursing him for his stupidity. Despite the jolt his words had caused her, Elena felt a small smile curve her lips at Enid’s scowl and Gareth’s obvious worry. Clearly hoping to distract Elena from his faux pas, he said, "I've come to ask if you ladies would care to go for a ride. 'Tis a beautiful day and the mountains are full of wild flowers."

"I've got to finish this tunic before Morgan travels to Aberystwyth next week. But do take Elena. 'Tis not right that we work our guest so. Look at the beautiful stitching she has done on the cuffs."

Gareth complimented Elena's handiwork as he took her limp

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