A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,23

were speaking in a strange mixture of English and Welsh. It had been years since she'd spoken Welsh, taught as she was by her Welsh grandmother. In Richard’s court, she’d hidden her Welsh background as it was even less desirable than her family’s Lancastrian ties. The garbled words slowly began to unfurl in her mind. As she concentrated, she was able to decipher many of the words.

"'Twill be before Michaelmas, I can assure you. He'll land in South Wales, but will travel north to gather soldiers. I would have us ready to greet him when he lands. Parod ac awyddus." Elena did not recognize the speaker's voice--it must be Gruffydd, she thought.

"Cymreig ar y gorsedd," said Bryant. A Cymreig is a Welsh person, Elena thought. Something about a Welshman on the throne?

"But what of his claim to the crown? Does it meet the laws of inheritance?" asked Gareth.

"Had he no ties to the royal family, I would support him over one who murders children."

"That cannot be used to justify what you plan. There has never been a shred of proof that Richard harmed his nephews in any way," Gareth argued.

"Crist trugaredd! I suppose they've just disappeared off the face of the earth, eh Gareth?" Elena had never heard Cynan speak so harshly. He had seemed a man who saw a joke in every situation. "Surely you don't believe--"

"Regardless of that," Gruffydd interrupted, "his right is as strong as Richard's. He's a descendant of John of Gaunt."

"Through his grandmother. That is not—“

"Digon!" exclaimed Cynan. "Is the fact that he's Welsh not enough to want him on the throne?"

In the silence following Cynan's outburst, Elena was sure they would hear her heart beating as it raced in her chest.

"As a matter of fact," said Gareth quietly after several moments, "it is."

Elena gasped. They were planning to help the Earl of Richmond overthrow the king! It was treason! Hearing Marared behind her, Elena quickly composed her features and carried the bowl of berries to the table, forcing her expression to careful neutrality.

Gareth studied her face as she sat down. She knew he was wondering how much she heard and whether she’d understood any of it. Elena absorbed herself in eating and did not pay attention to the noisy jests of Cynan as he teased Bryant and Marared. Scarcely tasting the ripe fruit, Elena wondered what she should do. That she must warn the king of the impending attack was obvious, although she knew he was preparing for its possibility. Perhaps if she could discover more of the Welsh plans, her information could thwart the rebellion. And a grateful Richard would no doubt be willing to reward her with the groom of her choice, would he not?


"Elena?" Marared whispered in the dark room. Elena was bedded down with girl and her youngest sister in the only bed in the house. Outside a fine mist of rain had started to fall and the breeze entering the small room was pungent with the smell of wet hay and wild flowers.

Elena sighed and rolled onto her back. "Hmm?"

"Do you think Bryant and I make a handsome pair?"

Silently, Elena thought that Marared would talk poor Bryant's ear off in a matter of days if they were wed, but she said, "I suppose so."

"I think so too. I dream all the time that he'll ask me to marry him before I turn seventeen. My cousin over in Newtown is already expecting her first babe and she is only ten days older." Marared was silent for several minutes and Elena was just about to drop off to sleep when the girl said, "You know what else I think?"

If I pretend I'm asleep, perhaps she'll leave me alone, Elena thought. "What?" she said.

"I think that you and Gareth make a handsome couple as well."

Elena's eyes flew open. "What?"

"You're both so attractive, you'd have beautiful children. And I think you'd look sweet with a wreath of flowers in your hair as a bride."

This is ridiculous, Elena thought. "I'm betrothed," she said flatly.

"To who?"

"To a very powerful earl."


Elena rolled back on her side. "What a pity," Marared continued. "From the way he looks at you, I'd say Gareth is quite taken with you." She then proceeded to fall asleep. Elena stared into the darkness for a long time, unable to sleep when minutes before she had been utterly exhausted.

Chapter 7

The rain-washed morning air was crisply cool. A light breeze helped dispel the pre-dawn mists and the ale-induced fog in Gareth’s head as he

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