A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,154

circumstances were different. But..." His voice was rough with emotion.

"But what?" Elena demanded. She was still a little unsettled at having spoken her true feelings.

"But I must return to Wales--"

"Why? That course is one of certain death!" she interrupted.

"No. I don't think Richard will waste the men it would take to follow me and I must reach Wales soon."

"Fine, then we will meet up and go together."

Gareth shook his head and traced the line of her cheek with a rough finger. "I can't take you, my love."

"Why not?" Elena demanded. This man made no sense at all. They finally declare their love for one another, she offers to give up a life of comfort and ease for him and he tells her no?

"I go to Wales to join Henry Tudor's troops as they gather."

Elena rolled her eyes and sighed. "Gareth! Not a fortnight ago you decided that the man had no claim to stand on and you wanted us to return to Richard immediately. Now you've changed your mind again?"

Gareth bowed his head and said contritely, "I must apologize to you, Elena."

"Why?" The day's events, combined with Gareth’s quixotic responses, were making her feel as if she were losing her mind.

"I never intended to fight with Richard. I only returned to learn what I could about his troop strength and his plans. I lied to you because I was afraid that you would betray our cause if you knew the truth."

Elena stared at him, her brow furrowing as what he said sank in. "In other words, you didn't trust me!"

"It wasn't a matter of trust--I just," Gareth pushed his hair out of his eyes and sighed. "You had no reason to care for Henry Tudor and I felt you would be safer if you simply didn't know what was going on, for there is every chance we will be defeated. I had to protect you and that was the only way I knew how."

"But if Richmond is victorious, I will be just another lady-in-waiting cast aside or if lucky, married off to appease some lord! Did that thought never cross your mind?" Elena's voice betrayed her rising hysteria and Gareth put his hands on her shoulders to calm her. Elena pushed his arms away and demanded a response.

"I did think of that possibility and I was hopeful that if I petitioned Henry, he would grant me your hand. For I do love you, Elena. I think I even loved you back when I hated you."

Elena refused to be appeased and was still furious for having been left out of Gareth's plans. "And what now? I am to travel this very night to my parent's manor, banished from Richard's court because I refused to marry Brackley."

Gareth stared at her, "Why did you do that?"

Elena stamped her foot and glared angrily at the sky. When she lowered her head to look at him, a tear spilled down her cheek, tracing a wet path. "I've already said it. Because of you! Because I love you!"

"Ah, sweet." Gareth quickly pressed his warm lips to her. "It is best you return to your parent's home. You will be safest there, I think."

"And what of you? You ride not to safety, but perhaps to your death? And all while I sit in the country and twiddle my thumbs! This is not the first time I've saved your life, Gareth ap Morgan. The least you owe me is the chance to remain with you, perhaps help you again."

"There is nothing I would like better, my love, but I must ride treacherous terrain for I dare not get within a league of any traveled road. Though you have become an excellent horsewoman, I fear you will slow me too much in which case we might both lose our lives."

Elena stamped her foot again. How could she love such a man? Surely her reason had long since left her!

"If I live through this, I promise to come for you, Elena. I promise."

Still angry, she refused to answer him or meet his eyes. She heard him sigh and felt his hands on her upper arms. "Goodbye my love." He kissed her softly and waited for her to say something. When she remained stonily silent, he turned to go.

In an instant, he had disappeared within the hazy darkness of the stables. Suddenly drained, Elena collapsed against the rough wooden wall. She allowed her mind to go pleasantly blank until she realized that it would be very close to the time Richard

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