A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,151

step backwards, but Gareth's hand shot through the narrow window to grasp hers. He pulled her hand through the opening and pressed it to his lips, his gaze locked to hers, silently reaffirming his feelings for her.

The guard's loud snore was followed by several sharp snorts and Elena whirled around, staring at the man fearfully. He was waking up. "Damn!" she mouthed. She had hoped to free Gareth without even awaking this gross ruffian. The man opened his eyes and then stumbled to his feet when he saw Elena.

"Who--where did--" As he realized that Elena was no common serving wench he bowed awkwardly and said, "My lady, is there something I can do fer you?"

Swallowing her grimace of disgust, Elena drew on her most flattering smile.

"You can tell me your name."

"Osgood, lady," he said with another awkward bow.

Elena forced herself to remember her objective and blinked her eyes coyly. "Osgood is absolutely my favorite name! You must think me terribly forward, but I've noticed you about the castle and--"

"You've noticed me, my lady?"

"Well of course. What lady wouldn't notice a man as strong and as handsome as yourself? It has taken me days just to discover where you would be on duty alone so that I might approach you."

Osgood stared dumbly at Elena while her words slowly sank in. It was evident when they did because a broad, half-toothless grin split his face. "Well aren't you a clever little thing to chase me down here!"

"Yes and I've brought some wine that we might enjoy it while we get to know each other."

A frown creased Osgood's thick brow. "I ain't allowed to drink while on duty. Why don't you save it till after I get off. Say, after supper? We could meet in the stables."

Elena pouted prettily, her lower lip pushed out and quivering delicately. "Oh but I shan't be able to get away then. And who knows the next time we might meet? Won't you have just a little? You're so big and strong, surely a few swallows won't impair your watchfulness." At the appeal in Elena's eyes, Osgood melted like a piece of fat over a fire.

"Well, of course a sip won't hurt me. Besides, how can I refuse a pretty little lady like you?"

"You can't, of course." Elena rushed to retrieve the heavy tankard of potent wine.

"You didn't happen to bring some bread or meat with you, did you? I haven't eaten since sunup."

Good, Elena thought. "I'm so sorry, it was all I could do to get my nerve up to bring wine. Next time I'll bring a whole tray of delectables for you."

"Oh I don't want no delectables, just a meat pie or mayhap a fruit tart." Elena held her breath as Osgood took the wine and lifted it to his lips. He paused just before taking a swallow and said, "Next time, lady?" a disgustingly lurid smile on his lips.

Elena forced her nose not to wrinkle and instead smiled coyly. "Of course next time. How else are we going to get to know each other?"

"How else, indeed? And I'm hoping I'll get to know you real well!" He took a large swallow of the dark wine and smacked his lips. "I'll be damned if that ain't the best spirits I've tasted."

"Well take another swallow. I picked out the very best wine just for you."

"Maybe just one more. Then I better stop else I'll not stop and then won't we have fun?" His one more sip took him four swallows to down and when he lowered the pitcher, he blinked several times as if to clear his vision. "That's damn fine drink, lady. But how'd you come by it?"

"Oh, I work upstairs," she said vaguely.

Osgood took another swallow and then sat back down on the low stool that had recently served as his napping post. "Why don't ye set yourself down here with me and we'll get more friendly?" he said, patting his knee.

Before Elena could think of what to do, Gareth's voice behind her yelled, "NO!" She whirled around, surprised, but found Gareth was not looking at her. He was glaring at Osgood threateningly, which, she thought, was rather ridiculous considering he was unarmed and trapped behind a locked door. Furthermore, he was impeding her best efforts to free him. Before she could attract his attention and convince him that she knew what she was doing, Osgood stumbled past her and slammed a meaty fist against the door.

"Get back, ye dog. Ye're no knight, so I

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