A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,147

push a man to actions he would not otherwise commit. I am even still learning to control my anger when people stand forcibly in my way."

Elena panted raggedly, praying that she would not hear her death sentence come from the king's lips.

After several seconds of silence, Richard turned back to her. "Do not look like a frightened rabbit, caught in a hunter's snare. You will live to see another dawn, though not in my presence."

"What does Your Majesty mean?" Elena whispered.

"You will pack your trunks and be ready to leave at first light. I am returning you to your parents. There you may marry your childhood sweetheart and bear him a passel of children. Frankly I care not what you do, as long as you are not in my sight. Thank your father and mother for your goodly service these past years and send them my wishes for a prosperous harvest time." When Elena remained where she was, shocked, he said, "Leave now, lady, lest I lose my temper again."

Curtsying quickly, she turned and fled. She ran through the main hall and out the large doors. She ran, heedless of those she brushed past or knocked over, and did not stop until she reached the small arbor where she flung herself on a wooden bench, tears streaming from her eyes. Oh what had she done? Surely, she was relieved that she would not have to marry the repugnant earl. In fact, she was even glad to have been relieved as a lady-in-waiting. But what of Gareth? What was to become of him? Her hands shaking, her breath coming in frantic gasps, Elena realized that she was becoming hysterical. Digging her nails into her palms until the pain calmed her, she stood and began pacing beneath the shady trees.

Alright, she thought. I am safe. I will not see the king again, and as soon as Catherine and Margaret leave the room, I will pack my trunk. Now, what of Gareth? Elena's stomach clenched with worry at the thought of him in a dank dungeon, his spurs hacked off, facing death for his moment of indecision as to which man he would support as king. Didn't the fact that Gareth was here, training with Richard's other soldiers prove his loyalty to his king? Had Richard lost all sense?

Gareth must be freed. That was all there was to it. She would free him and together they would escape. They could go to France for a few years, perhaps until Richard died, and then they could return to Eyri Keep. The fact that she was no longer a lady-in-waiting to the king, that she was no one of any great importance suddenly dawned on her, and rather than feeling dismayed, she found tremendous relief in the fact. No more would she have to worry about acting just so, or pretending to like people she detested. Now if that foul Brackley came her way, she could turn her nose up and walk away. The new sense of freedom further resolved her to helping Gareth escape. Together they would begin a new life.

Brushing the now-forgotten tears from her cheeks, Elena began to plan their escape. They would need money, but she had plenty of jewels, surely enough to buy safe passage to France. Since Richard didn't want to see her again before she left, once outside the castle gates it should surely be no problem for her to change her destination. Once she freed Gareth from the dungeon, he could meet up with her down the road and they would head for France. Once there...well, once there Gareth would have to make some plans.

Accustomed to getting her way, Elena saw no reason why things wouldn't go according to her plans. Smoothing her hair and shaking out her skirts, Elena headed back to the main building. Once inside, she raced up a smaller back staircase and entered the room she shared with Catherine and Margaret. She prayed that she would not have to face Catherine again. Though she had found herself relieved to no longer be a lady-in-waiting, she did not think she could stand to see Catherine smirk and preen over the news. Nay, if she had to endure one spiteful statement from the brat, Elena felt sure she would not be able to stop herself from ripping every hair from Catherine's head.

Opening the door to their chamber as quietly as possible, Elena was relieved to discover it empty. She quickly rushed inside and threw open

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