A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,132

carved doors that were suddenly thrown back, Elena looked up to see Richard surrounded by people start down the stone steps into the bailey. The urgency in Gareth's voice called her back. "Elena! I must tell you! I have tried to say this for the past week, but I just--"

Richard and his entourage were drawing closer. "What Gareth? What is it?"

"I love you." Another burst of metal upon metal clattered behind them and Elena's horse tossed its head wildly, jerking the reins out of Gareth's hands. Several groomsmen rushed up to grab the horse and in the process, pulled it away from Isrid. Elena stared in amazement at Gareth, unable to respond, especially as they were drawn further and further apart in the crush of people.

"Elena, sweet girl," boomed Richard's voice. She dragged her eyes from her lover's face. "We had all but given up hope that you were alive. What a joy it is to see you well and unharmed." Suddenly fixing Gareth with a suspecting glare, he continued, "You are, I trust, unharmed?"

Still reeling from Gareth's admission, she had to force her mind to concentrate on the king's question. "I--yes, I am in excellent health. Sir Gareth saw to my every need and protected me with utmost chivalry, risking his very life to keep me safe."

"I would expect no less," Richard said, though he had yet to remove his gaze from Gareth's face.

As she looked at her king, Elena noticed that his face had an ashen color to it and deep circles marred the skin beneath his eyes. He fidgeted with the jeweled belt at his waist and her eyes were drawn to his hands, which trembled slightly. His nails were ragged, the cuticles torn. The matter of Henry Tudor must be weighing heavily on him, she thought.

"Come," he said, gesturing to the grooms to help her down. "I must hear everything about your adventures."

The groomsmen helped her off of the still-jittery horse but before she turned to follow the king, she gazed at Gareth who was now even further away. He was surrounded by his fellow knights who were plying him with questions, but he ignored them, his gaze locked on hers.

"My lady?" said the soldier who was waiting to escort her after Richard. Tearing her attention from Gareth with an effort that felt physical, she turned and allowed herself to be led away.


From across the bailey, Gareth watched Elena being led after the king. When she had disappeared into the great hall, he turned his attention to those knights gathered around him.

"What in God's creation happened to you?" asked one he recognized as Sir Jasper.

"Why did it take you so long to return?" asked another.

Gareth climbed off of Isrid and began leading him to the stables, explaining as he went.

"We were separated after the attack on the road from Middleham," he began. "I was sore injured and knocked unconscious. When I came to, it was dark. I set up camp and there Lady Elena found me. She had been taken by the attackers and then released." Gareth suddenly remembered that the story he and Elena had agreed upon was that she be seriously injured. "The good lady was in quite a bad state."

"Had she been raped?" asked an impudent young knight he did not know.

"No! Only sorely mishandled and dumped from her horse." Gareth wished to God that he and Elena had planned out more carefully what exactly they were going to say. On the trip here they had just seemed to have so many other things to talk about...Tearing his thoughts from that path, he continued with his careful fabrication. "She was bleeding and near unconscious herself. I was in fear that she would die were I not to seek help, but since I am not so familiar with that part of England, I knew not where I might find a safe place to take her for treatment so I escorted her to my father's home."

"In Wales?" Sir Jasper asked, disbelieving.

‘Tis not so very far," Gareth replied.

"But you could have returned to Middleham or continued on down the road to find us."

Gareth's mouth was going dry. He wasn't sure he was going to be able to carry this off and he wished with all his might that Elena were here. She was so much better at making up believable excuses. "I knew not what had become of His Majesty's party. As I said, I had been knocked unconscious. No doubt left for dead by the

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