A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,129

In fact, so pleasantly fuzzy was her mind that she did not notice that Gareth remained glumly silent as they made their way up the darkened street to their inn. Once in the small upstairs room, Elena giggled helplessly as she tried unsuccessfully to unlace her houppeland. Throwing her hands up in mock despair, she gave up and flopped face down on the bed.

Gareth tossed his shirt onto the small pile of luggage in the corner and said, "Come Elena. You can't sleep in your gown. Stand up and let me help you remove it."

"No," said Elena, her voice muffled by the pillow.

"You will be much more comfortable once you do."


Gareth sighed. "Why won't you stand up Elena?"

"Because I can't find my arms," she said with a giggle.

"That's probably because you're laying on top of them. Here," he said, grabbing her shoulders and rolling her over. "Now can you find them?"

"Oh yes," she said expansively. Lifting them up, she threw them around Gareth's shoulders and pulled him down on top of her.

"Elena!" Gareth tried to sound severe, but the laughter in his voice won out. He never would have thought to see the regal Lady Elena tipsy. Would she never cease to amaze him? Rolling off of her and standing, he pulled her to her feet and began unlacing her gown. She wobbled on her feet but seemed content to remain still while he hung her gown on a hook on the wall and then removed her chemise. She held onto his shoulders while he tugged off her boots but when he moved to stand up, she fell over, her torso draped against his back. Gareth paused, uncertain if she were playing or merely passed out. "Elena?" he called. When her only answer was rhythmic deep breathing, he wrapped his arms around her legs and stood, her body limply draped over his shoulder. He carefully deposited her on the low bed and drew the covers up. Minutes passed as he watched her sleep, memorizing every curve of her face, which was illuminated by a shaft of moonlight. As he looked on her, he was reminded of another night when he had tried to imprint her beauty in his mind: the night she had ridden to warn him of the traitorous abbess. Then, as now, he had feared losing her, though now the fear stemmed from the thought that he would have to watch as she married the repulsive earl, see her grow round with his child, wondering if the child were the earl's or his own.

Gareth wished there were another option to tomorrow's short journey. The voice in his head, which had been silent for days, now awoke to taunt him and remind him that had he spoken his heart a week ago, he might now be wed to her and safely in Wales. Or she would have rejected him and it would be easier to erase her from his mind and his heart. Well, perhaps not easier, but at least his pride would not have allowed him to pine for her the rest of his days. Gareth sat on the edge of the bed as the series of weights tied round his neck and shoulders settled back into their places. For the past week he had shoved them aside, forbidding them to mar his time alone with Elena. Now they were back, heavier than ever and clamoring for his attention. Worry, guilt, and apprehension bowed his shoulders and he rested his head in his hands and prayed for assistance--something he could not remember doing since he was a child.

Some time later, he kicked off his own boots and climbed into bed, pulling Elena to him and holding her tightly as he waited for the dawn.

Chapter 24

Elena awoke late the next morning to a bright shaft of sunlight pouring in the dirty windowpane and a timid knock at the door. Groggy, she sat up and pulled the covers to her chin as she said, "Yes?"

A young girl with a pink-scrubbed face and her hair tied in a kerchief stuck her head in the room and said, "Excuse me, milady. Yer husband asked me to help ye get ready for your travels today.

Elena nodded and studiously ignored the flush of pleasure she felt at hearing Gareth referred to as her husband. It had been the most expedient way to secure their room the night before. "Very well. You may enter."

The young girl quickly entered the room, shutting the door behind her,

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