A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,126

office. As Elena waited, she became aware of the stares of passers-by. Glancing down to see what they were looking at, she realized that she was still wearing Gareth's clothes, which were much wrinkled after a week's wear. Dismayed, she lifted her hand to her hair and found it equally mussed. Elena was mortified. It was enough that she had spent the past weeks looking like a scullery maid. Then she had at least an excuse. She had only her one gown and in it she had been dragged through mountains, streams, and dirt. But now she had a clean new gown sitting in her satchel while she was decked out like a stable boy! Sitting up straight, Elena lifted her chin. No matter, she thought, trying to convince herself. These people are still commoners at heart while I am a lady, regardless of my appearance. Her upraised chin would tell them just that, she decided, besides making it impossible for her to see their critical appraisal of her. Thankfully, Gareth returned within the minute.

"'Tis just a few streets over," he said, taking both reins from her hands and leading the horses up the street.

"Why are you walking?" Somehow, she had thought the people's stares would not seem quite so unbearable if Gareth were sitting behind her.

"My legs have about had it for riding. I thought I would work out the kinks in them by walking. It's not so very far."

Elena glanced surreptitiously from side to side. Although the amount of people out on the street decreased as they left the central market, she still felt as if she were on display sitting so high up on Isrid. Without another thought, she threw her leg over Isrid's rump and shimmied off of the warhorse's high back, landing awkwardly on the uneven cobbled street. Gareth whirled around at her grunt as she landed.

"Elena, are you alright? What's wrong?"

She straightened, trying to ignore her throbbing ankle, which had landed in a pothole. "I believe I will stretch my legs as well."

"You should have told me to stop the horses. You could have hurt yourself."

I did, she thought. "I'm fine," she said. "But let us hurry. I wish to bathe and change clothes as soon as possible."

"Of course. And you will have water as hot as you can stand it, that I promise."

Elena smiled, remembering his promise to buy her a new dress as they were entering Aberstwyth. "And you do keep your promises."

Gareth looked at her, a pleased expression crossing his face. "I do everything in my power to keep them."

"Then promise me a down-filled tick and freshly scented linens."

"I said I do everything in my power, Elena," he said with a laugh. "That, I am afraid, we will have to leave to the grace of God. I think we will be lucky to settle for a straw tick that has relatively few bedbugs!"

"Ugh! If that is the case, then I will hold you to your promise of hot water."

"The hottest!"

They reached West Dover Street within a matter of minutes and Elena immediately recognized where they were.

"Excellent," she said. "If we turn up here, there are at least four inns within two blocks of each other. If we go right, there are two more inns, and several pubs where we might get an excellent meal."

"So which way do we go? Do you have a preference on where you spend you last evening with Sir Gareth?"

Startled, Elena looked at him sharply, a worried frown creasing her brow. This was to be their last night. Why had she not realized it? As she stared at him, Gareth flushed. "I didn't mean...I just meant that this would be the last time you would have to put up with...Which inn do you wish to stay in?"

Torn from her thoughts by his question, she looked up the street, trying to remember which inn had served them best when she had come with Lady Elizabeth and the other ladies-in-waiting.

"I believe the third inn up here has the cleanest rooms. They are also rarely full, if I remember correctly."

"Then let us proceed there immediately. I am glad for your sake if they have clean accommodations, but do you recall if they had good food as well?"

Elena laughed. "Yes, I believe it was most satisfactory." With a devilish grin she added, "I believe their best offering is fish." She was rewarded with a look of horror on Gareth's face.

They walked up the tidy street and paused at a hanging wooden

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