A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,120

leaf, I would have though they were mad."

"Why? Don't you think ladies-in-waiting have fun?"

"Perhaps. But not with men they consider beneath them. And I would certainly doubt they would do it dressed as you are now."

"You will simply not forget that I apparently snubbed you when first we met, will you?"

Gareth's bark of laughter startled a bird that had taken shelter in the roadside grass. The bird squeaked as it arced up and out into the rain. "I can handle being snubbed. But outright rudeness is a bit uncommon, especially when it comes from one the king has set forth as an example for womanly gentleness."

Looking back to that long-ago night, Elena could scarce remember what she had said to Gareth. Something about him being a farmer or going back to his sheep. Whatever it was, it was no doubt derogatory and Elena wondered, were she in a similar situation now, if she would behave the same. For some reason, she thought that she wouldn't, though she was at a loss to determine why. "I had many other things on my mind that night," she said, feeling awkward.

Gareth stared at the back of her head for a moment and then said, "I accept."

Startled, Elena looked over her shoulder. "You accept what?"

"Your apology."

"Apology? I wasn't making an apology. I was simply explaining that there was a great deal going on that night and if my actions were not what they normally are, then that was the reason."

"Uh huh," Gareth hummed, not the least bit convinced.

"What do you mean, 'Uh huh'?" Elena worked her right leg over Isrid's head until she was sitting sideways in the saddle and could better scowl at Gareth.

"I mean how you treated me that night at Middleham was your usual temperament showing through. I was not a prospective suitor, I didn't dress in the latest mode, and I certainly was not in King Richard's circle of important people. Therefore, you decided that I wasn't worth the time or effort it would take to be polite."

Elena frowned and studied her left thumbnail. Though her initial expression seemed to be anger, his words apparently struck a chord for she looked as if she were ashamed at her behavior.

Gareth watched the play of emotions on her face, thankful that she was not throwing his own rudeness back in his face, amazed that she seemed to be taking to heart his words. Not wishing to hurt her feelings, he said, "It's alright, though."

She raised her head and stared at him. "Why do you say that?"

"Because you're different now."

"Different? How?"

Gareth pushed the hair out of his eyes. Luckily, it was just damp enough that it stayed put and did not fall right back into his face. "Well, you just are. You seem--I don't know--kinder somehow. You seem to notice other people's feelings more and people in return like you."

"They liked me before," she said indignantly.

Gareth quickly backtracked. "What I meant to say was they are better able to see your kind side. As a result, they like you more."

Elena was silent for a moment. Then, "Do you like me more?"

Now! the voice in his head shouted. Tell her now!

No! he shouted back silently. Not 'till I'm ready!

"I like you much more," he said with feeling.

"Perhaps I have changed a little bit. Nobody is perfect, you know."

"Certainly not," he agreed.

"It's very difficult to be close to the king. People are forever trying to use you to gain information or favor with the king. In return, they offer you nothing, so maybe I tended to concentrate on my own needs first. And perhaps," Gareth could tell how difficult all this was for her to admit. "Perhaps I have always been a bit," she cleared her throat, "spoiled. Though that really isn't my fault," she rushed to add. "I was an only child and my parents doted on my many accomplishments and I received nearly everything I wanted, so it's understandable if I may have grown accustomed to that."

"Of course it is," Gareth agreed, trying to contain his smile. He wanted to make this easier for her and was amazed that he was hearing those words come out of her mouth. "And you deserve to have everything you want."

Elena suddenly shook off her maudlin feelings and gave him a cocky smile. "I quite agree."

Amazed at her quicksilver change of emotions, Gareth stared openmouthed at her for a moment. Then he laughed, a loud and hearty laugh. "Nonetheless, you're still not perfect," he said.

"Perhaps not, but

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