A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,118

had obviously grabbed her attention, for Elena looked up at him, her eyes searching his before she said, "I gave it to Annie."

Gareth was stumped. "Who's Annie? Never mind, where did Annie pack it?"

"Probably in her trunk."

Gareth felt like he had awoken in the middle of a conversation of which he was not a part. "Elena, we have no trunks."

"Annie is the seamstress who made this gown. I gave her that old blue rag because she liked it and I couldn't stand the sight of it. So I gave it to her."

Gareth stared at Elena without comprehension. It finally dawned on him what she meant. "So in other words, you have nothing else to wear?"

"Well of course not. If you will remember, my luggage was separated from me a sennight ago when we were first attacked. I've been wearing that blue gown since. Surely you are not surprised I got rid of it?"

Gareth shook his head as another raindrop penetrated their meager shelter and landed on his head. "What were you planning to do should that gown become wet?" he asked.

Elena shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I didn't think about it raining."

The realization that they were wasting precious daylight in this inane conversation finally penetrated Gareth's baffled brain and he made a rapid decision. Opening the satchel that held his few articles of clothing, Gareth pulled out a thick pair of blue wool hose and his one clean shirt. "Here," he said. "Wear these. At least you'll be able to ride astride and then when we're drenched, you can change into your dry gown."

"But what about you?"

Gareth was suddenly weary of the delay and the reason for it. "Just put these on. I've traveled in wet clothing more times than I can remember. One more time won't kill me."

Elena looked like she was about to say something and then closed her mouth and took the clothes from his outstretched hand. The rain began to come down heavier now and the overhead leaves, drenched themselves, began to drip water down as fast as it fell from the sky. Elena set the shirt and hose on Isrid's saddle and turned so Gareth could unlace her gown. Then, as the wool grew damp, she quickly pulled both it and chemise over her head, rolling them into a compact, if untidy, ball that she stuffed in the protective satchel.

"I've never been good at putting clothes away neatly," she confessed, apparently unconcerned that she was wearing only her boots in front of Gareth. He wondered if she was too concerned about her new dress to worry that she was allowing him to enjoy a full vantage of her body, or if she were simply so comfortable with him seeing her body that she gave it no thought. He incorrectly chose the latter.

As she picked up the shirt, she clearly became aware that Gareth was staring at her nudity. She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes before turning slightly so that her back faced him. Gareth did not complain, enjoying her from this angle as well. When she had the concealing shirt over her head, she pulled her boots off and began to pull on the thick hose. Gareth steadied her as she wobbled on one foot, wondering if he should offer a hand but she soon had the leggings on and was tying the drawstring about her narrow waist.

Judging from her actions and the flustered way she smoothed her hair and tied the cuffs of the rough shirt, Gareth decided that she was, perhaps, a little self-conscious about his being there while she had changed. To make her feel more at ease, he said, "You see? I told you you look beautiful in anything." As he said it, he discovered it was true. The blue hose, which he had yet to wear and stretch since Enid had given them to him back at Eyri Keep, fit her legs and hips snugly, showing curves women's full skirts never allowed. His rough linen shirt was too large on her, but it made her appear all the more fragile and appealing for it. Unable to stop himself, Gareth grasped her shoulders gently and kissed her full on the mouth. Elena responded instantly, her arms snaking up around his neck, her lips parting willingly for his mouth.

With a groan, Gareth broke the kiss, though he still held her pressed tightly against him. "We must move on."

"Can't we wait here until the rain lets up?" Elena asked,

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