A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,105

There were the missing nephews, of course. She had always avoided thinking of them because if Richard had caused them to be done away with, what might he do to a mere lady-in-waiting should she displease him?

"Why do you think he was so adamant that she marry him? Did he love her?" Gareth asked.

"I don't see how. They rarely spent any time together and she was always exceedingly cold to him."

"Then what made him continue his pursuit?" Gareth asked as he lay down beside her and ran his hands over her smooth stomach.

"I imagine he thought marrying her would quiet any speculation that he didn't belong on the throne."

"Don't you think that was wrong of him?"

"I suppose." The subject of Richard on her mind, Elena asked, "I still don’t understand why you have decided to return to him? I thought you disagreed with everything he stands for."

Gareth was obviously uncomfortable and toyed absently with her breast, apparently unaware that her breathing was growing more ragged.

"He's the king. That's all there is to it." Gareth bent and took Elena's mouth in a thorough kiss that erased all thought of kings or princesses from her mind.

Some time later, Elena brought up a related topic. "What will we tell the king when we return? How will we explain why we've been gone so long?"

Gareth chewed his upper lip for several seconds before answering. "I think we should stick as close to the truth as possible." He paused in thought before continuing. "We'll tell them we became separated from Richard's party in the ambush and thinking we were still being followed, we led the bandits away from Richard's route, west into Wales. We'll say Cynan was wounded--"

"Why Cynan?"

"Or Bryant. It doesn't matter. We'll simply use that as an excuse for going to Eyri Keep. We'll say we stayed there until we were able to return to England."

Elena shook her head. "No, that won't work. Richard will ask why we didn't just drop off the wounded man and then return. Why don't you tell him I was injured and my horse killed. That will explain why I no longer have it and why we weren't able to leave sooner."

She was pleased by the impressed look on his face. "Very good." Gareth's countenance dimmed as he sat in thought. "If Richard would be sharp enough to determine that we could return without Cynan or Bryant, wouldn't he ask why we didn't simply stop at the manor of one of the border lords?"

"Do you know where any of their keeps are?"

"Not really. I usually travel as the crow flies and miss all the towns and manors."

"There you go," Elena said, delighted that Gareth was not only letting her help plan their story, but applauding her sharpness.

"That, my sweet lady, deserves a kiss."

"Just a kiss?" she asked coyly.


By noon the lovers were famished, though both were loath to leave the sanctuary of the small room. A gentle knock on the door stopped their whispered plans to get food.

"My lady? 'Tis I, Bryant. Are you alright?"

"Of course I am."

"Of course," Bryant repeated and then paused. "I grew worried because you haven't left you room all morning."

"Well, I've been sleeping and attending private matters."

Gareth mouthed the words "private matters," and grinned wickedly. Elena slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Bryant's solicitous voice interrupted their play.

Stifling a laugh, Elena responded, "Actually, I am rather hungry--starving, actually. I feel like I could eat enough for two."

"Shall I bring you something to eat or would you like to come out. I could set up a cozy table for you."

"I believe I would prefer to dine in here."

Disappointment evident in his voice, Bryant acquiesced.

"Oh, and Bryant?"

"Yes, my lady?" Hope sprang eternal.

"Please bring big portions. I'm very hungry."

"Of course, my lady."

Elena and Gareth listened to Bryant's footsteps recede. "You know he fancies himself in love with you, don't you."

Elena shrugged. "I had long suspected as much."

"You're not surprised?"

"'Tis not the first time a man has been in love with me and 'twill not be the last, I am sure," Elena put a sardonic emphasis on the word “love.”

Gareth shook his head and grinned. "You don't believe in the word 'modesty,' do you Elena?"

"Modesty? Of course I believe in it. I'm very modest."

"Then how about humility?"

"What good does humility do a woman? It merely gets her wedded to a man of her parents' choosing long before she's ready to suffer the chores of marriage. Or," she continued, heedless of

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