Disciple of War Disciple of War (Art of the Adept #4) - Michael G. Manning Page 0,23

and if there’s anything you need to see he’ll let us know. However, you should spend a few days to familiarize yourself with things. It won’t do for you to be completely in the dark about matters there.”

“As I’ve been for the past few months,” said Will darkly.

“You had other things to worry about,” she said primly. “I’m your first duty, as you are mine. I needed to get through this training, and you didn’t need any extra distractions.”

“It’s so nice of you to decide my priorities for me,” he said sarcastically. “Back to your loan question. Why would you need to borrow money from the ducal accounts? Shouldn’t a royal princess have more money than a duke?”

“The king does,” she stated, “but the rest of the family are given more modest lands and estates to support us.”


“If there were any others. Father keeps a host of minor titles and estates under his personal control, but if the family expanded, he would hand some of them out.”

“It seems strange that the royal family consists of just you and Lognion.”

Selene looked away. “I thought it was simple misfortune until recently, but now that I understand the man that sired me better, the more sinister it seems. I don’t know the reason for it, but I no longer think that the consistent death of every royal not of the direct line of kings is an accident.”

“The master vampire said he was centuries old,” said Will.

She shook her head. “I still can’t believe it. Father is evil, but I can’t believe he’s somehow been pretending to die and pass the crown to himself over and over. Someone would have figured it out.”

“Magic can accomplish a lot. He could just be long-lived if he’s a true wizard.” Will would have said more but a girl appeared in the doorway. She looked young, slim, and boyish, as though she had just begun her journey to womanhood. He frowned, wondering who had let the girl in.

Selene lifted her chin and addressed the girl. “Yes, Melina?”

“I’ve laid out the linens you requested and folded the others, Your Highness. If you wish to examine them since it’s my first day.” The girl kept her eyes on the floor.

Selene’s voice was firm as she replied, “Come here, Melina.” Pushing her chair back, she stood. “Closer.” When Melina was standing directly in front of her, Selene reached out and put one hand under the girl’s chin, gently raising it. “Look me in the eye.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” answered the girl, quietly terrified.

“I don’t know who you worked for before, but I am not cruel or unfair, Melina. When you speak to me, I prefer to see your eyes. There’s no need to look at the ground. Understood?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Milady will be sufficient unless we have guests, Melina.”

“Yes, Your—milady.”

Selene smiled. “Don’t worry about me inspecting your work. If I have any issues, I’ll talk to you tomorrow so you can correct them. For now, it’s late. I’m sure your supper is waiting on you in the kitchen. Eat and get some rest.”

After the girl had left, Will sipped at his ale, then remarked, “Every time I look around there’s someone new in the house. I don’t understand why we need so many people.”

“Because I don’t like working Blake to death,” Selene replied primly. “I think you put several extra years on him while I was gone. There’s more to managing a household than cooking meals.”

“Nothing we can’t do for ourselves.”

“Your time isn’t your own anymore, Will. If you try to live as you did before you married me, you’ll run yourself into the ground.”

“That girl is barely more than a child,” he pointed out.

“And her family is likely depending on every coin she brings home. Something else for you to think about now that you’re one of the wealthiest men in Terabinia. Spending money is your civic duty to keep the economy moving.”

“Wealthiest?” Will dropped his fork and stood. “I’m finished eating. Mind if I go up to the study without you?”

Selene smirked. “I’ll join you in a moment. I want to enjoy this tart.” She took another dainty bite.

Upstairs, he started looking through the ledgers, but it was difficult to sort out the important details. His math skills were excellent, but accounting was a foreign subject to him. Selene arrived ten minutes later and patiently explained the books to him, pointing out the important summaries that detailed expenses and revenue, as well as his current cash on hand. Will found the

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