Disciple of War Disciple of War (Art of the Adept #4) - Michael G. Manning Page 0,194


She rolled her eyes. “I don’t think you really understand—”

“No,” he interrupted. “I do understand. I’ve been there several times now. The night I discovered where the vampires were keeping you put such a choice in front of me. I didn’t reasonably expect to win. Deep down, I knew trying to rescue you was pointless and that I would wind up dying for nothing. My friends who came with me made similar choices.”

“But you overcame them,” countered Tailtiu. “The only mistake was your belief that it was hopeless. My situation is different.”

Will shook his head. “Even if I had died, my choice mattered.”

She laughed. “You’re mad.”

“No. Think of it like the rules that used to bind you. Humans aren’t trapped by such arbitrary rules, but sometimes we make our own. One of the choices I decided to make was to not abandon my friends and family, even if it will cost me everything. It might not make sense to you, but it’s my choice and I’ll stand by it.”

Tailtiu remained still after he finished, as though she was considering his words, but then she laughed. “Your choice is stupid. Fortunately, sick though I am, I have the wisdom to choose intelligently, even if that means my freedom is limited.” Reaching out, she took Dinner from Will’s hands, then lifted him to her face and sniffed the puppy’s round belly. “This is one of the few things I am free to choose.”

Her mouth widened, and rows of needle-like teeth appeared. She paused then, studying her small canine snack, then pulled the little dog away from her lips. Her mouth closed, and her head returned to normal. “I am also logical enough to wait until my meal has grown.” She tucked the pup into the crook of her arm and turned away. “I will await your call.”

Will breathed a sigh of relief. She was bluffing, he told himself, but in reality he wasn’t sure. He lifted a hand to wave as he walked away, heading for the cave and the congruence point that would take him to his mother’s house.

Chapter 54

Erisa was out in front of the house when Will walked around from behind. She was bent over and busily working at a washboard that was half submerged into a wooden tub. To avoid startling her, Will made a wide circle and approached from a direction that would allow her to spot him moving before he got close.

She looked up, and as recognition dawned on her face, it quickly transformed into a question. “William? How? Why are you here?” Her hands released the dress she was holding, and it slipped back into the water. “The war can’t be over already, can it? Did something happen?”

“I’m fine. The war is almost won,” said Will, moving over and reaching into the water. He moved his hands around and collected all the items floating inside and then removed them and piled them into the basket his mother reserved for items that were ready to be wrung out. Another basket stood beside it, holding the rest of the washing that still needed to go into the tub. With a thought, he used Selene’s Solution and in less than a minute all of it was both clean and dry.

His mother had seen the spell used before, so she expected his action. “You didn’t have to do that.”

He shrugged. “I’m sure you will have lots of questions, so I bet you don’t mind me freeing up your afternoon.”

She smiled, then asked, “What’s wrong? I can see something is bothering you.”

Will glanced around. “Where’s Sammy and Uncle Johnathan?”

“Branscombe. Johnathan had a new wagon to deliver, and Samantha needed a diversion to keep her out of trouble, so she went with him.”

A tiny amount of his worry lifted. He wouldn’t have to tell them—yet. His mother still remained, and she had been very attached to her nephew, but perhaps he could wait and tell her on another occasion. It made no sense to tell her now, while the others were away. The news would have to be delivered twice. Plus it wouldn’t do for her to hear it while alone. Will would have to leave almost as soon as he’d gotten there, so—

“Talk to me, William. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he lied. “I’m just worried. Things have gone well. We’ve defeated the Darrowan armies, the Patriarch is dead, and all that’s left is to capture Myrsta, but we’re facing an incursion of demons. That’s why I’m here. I need to borrow Arrogan’s

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