Dirty Work - Regina Kyle Page 0,62

me to get back to you. Una and I are in Fiji, celebrating our anniversary.

I wince. Way to rub it in, Dale. Once a dickweed, always a dickweed, I guess. I say a silent prayer of thanks that I dodged that bullet.

I scroll down and read on.

You asked if your work was really the cause of our breakup, and the answer is yes—and no. Yes, the demands of your job made it hard for us to spend quality time together, and our relationship suffered because of it. And no, despite what I said at the time, that wasn’t the reason I broke off our engagement. Or at least not the only reason.

The truth is, if you were the right woman for me, I would have been willing to compromise on the work thing. Maybe even been a stay-at-home dad to our eventual kids. But love is like the tide, it comes and it goes, and the tide ran out on my love for you.

I know this is hard to hear, but the least I can give you now is honesty. I hope this gives you the closure—or whatever it is—you’re looking for, and that you can move on like the rolling ocean waves, with strength and purpose.

Gotta go. Una has us scheduled for a couple’s massage at the hotel spa. Maybe the three of us can get together for drinks or something when we get back to the city.


I stare at the screen for a hot second, trying to make sense of the what-the-fuckery I’ve just read, then burst into hysterical laughter. The tide ran out on my love for you? Move on like the rolling ocean waves? Who does Dale think he is, Walt freaking Whitman? Hell will freeze over before I meet him and his not-so-blushing bride for drinks or anything else.

Still, I appreciate his honesty. No matter how painfully saccharine. And I’m talking acute physical pain here, like I’ve got a stomach bug. Or food poisoning. But he did make one good point—being in a relationship requires trade-offs. Compromise, not sacrifice. Bending, not breaking.

Am I willing to meet Jake halfway? Is he willing to meet me?

I know my answer—hell to the yes. Sure, Jake went a little off the deep end when his deal fell through. But so did I, dropping ultimatums like atom bombs and storming out without giving him a chance to calm down. We had a good thing going, and I let it go without lifting so much as a finger, never mind putting up a fight.

No more. Time to lace up my gloves and get into the ring. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

I open a new browser tab and I’m deep into an Expedia search for last minute deals on flights to Miami when someone knocks—no, pounds—on my door. I glance at the clock on my computer screen. 8:59. My worker bees are right on time.

“Come on in, door’s open,” I call, minimizing my browser. Strategizing my next move with Jake will have to wait. You know the saying, “little pitchers have big ears?” Well, nosy assistants have big eyes. And long necks, perfect for reading over your shoulder.

“What’s so funny?” Erin asks as she barrels into my apartment like she’s got the NYPD hot on her heels. But no, it’s just Aaron, balancing a tray of cardboard coffee cups with a familiar green logo.

“Yeah.” He hands me one of the coffees and takes his usual place for our morning meetings in one of the chairs across from my desk. “We could hear you laughing all the way down the hall.”

“Funny meme on Facebook,” I lie, taking a sip of my coffee—light and with more artificial sweetener than I care to admit, just the way I like it.

“Ooh, can I see?” Erin comes up behind me, craning her neck over my shoulder to peek at the computer screen.

See what I mean? Big eyes. Long neck.

I point to the empty chair next to Aaron and open up my almighty spreadsheet. “Sit. No time for social media this morning. We’ve got important new business to discuss.”

It’s not a lie. I met with Martin Fletcher and the tenants in my parents’ building last week, and my mom wasn’t kidding when she said they were a needy bunch. We’ve got three new clients already, and I have an inbox full of résumés to cull through from prospective additions to the Odds & Errands team.

Of course, the sooner I send these two on their way, the sooner I can

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