Dirty Thoughts - Megan Erickson Page 0,45

didn’t really believe that.

Cal ignored Asher’s interest in Jenna. “You need food? Shower? A bed? Because I got all three, but I’ll tell you right now—I’m not your servant. You’ll clean up after yourself, or I’ll shave off that ugly haircut in your sleep.”

Asher’s head jerked up. “What’s wrong with my hair?”

“What isn’t wrong with it?”

The kid’s eyes narrowed. “This haircut cost me eighty dollars.”

“Mine cost me ten minutes and a number-three attachment on my razor.”

“Wow, you’re a total dude.”

“Last time I checked. You need food?”

Asher pressed his lips together. “I could eat.”

Jenna stepped forward. “You said there’s a spare bedroom upstairs, right? I’ll go get it together. Why don’t you two head into the kitchen and get something to drink?” She held her fingers out for Asher’s bag. Cal looked at her for the first time since Asher showed up.

This was a lot for Cal to handle, this knowledge of a blood relative, this sudden responsibility, even if it was for the night. She offered him a smile, a reassuring one, and he clung to it like a raft in a storm. Thank God she was here, with her presence and her light. He could fall apart later, but for now, he could do this.

Asher handed Jenna his bag, and Cal cleared his throat. “Thanks, Jenna.”

He led Asher into the kitchen and handed him a water bottle, keeping one for himself. Asher sat down at the kitchen table, rolling the bottle between his hands, while Cal leaned against the counter. The kid was jiggling his leg. Cal could see it from the corner of his eye.

“So,” Asher said. “I can stay? I told my mom I was staying with a friend overnight.”

“Thought you didn’t have any friends?” Cal had barely glanced at the card his mom had sent, so he’d missed her change in address. It wasn’t like he ever sent anything back to her.

“I don’t. I made one up.”

“And she didn’t call the parent of this ‘friend’ to check before you spent the night?”

Asher shook his head.

Cal clamped down the anger and wiped his hand over his mouth. “You can stay tonight. I’m not putting you on a bus back home now. We’ll call your mother tomorrow and figure it out then.”

Asher’s head was down, and he was making circles on the table with his index finger. Cal waited him out, until the kid looked up at him with those big Max-like eyes. “Okay, thank you.”

“Plus, I think you’re going to want to meet your other brothers. I’ll call them tomorrow.”

Asher looked like he was trying to hide his excitement. “Are they like you?”

“Like me, how?”

“Um, like, all . . . ” Asher puffed out his chest and held his arms out from his body like his biceps were huge. “Don’t dirty my house,” he said in a false low voice. “Do what I say. Grrrr.”

A laugh burst out of Cal before he could rein it in. “That’s what I sound like, huh? Maybe punk kids who make fun of me get put back on a bus.”

Asher held out his hands in alarm. “No, no, no! I’m sorry!” He grimaced. “Shit,” he said under his breath.

Cal smiled. “Hey, I’m just kidding. Brent is, uh, a jokester. He’ll tease you a lot and give you a hard time. Max will be your buddy. He’s good at making friends.”

Asher relaxed a little as Jenna came into the kitchen. She had her hair pulled up onto the top of her head in a messy knot, and everything about her posture showed purpose. “Okay, Asher? I got you set up in the spare bedroom. Your bed is made, and I put away your clothes.”

Asher was in midsip of water and choked. “You put away my—”

“I put all your toiletries in the bathroom, and fresh towels are out,” Jenna said.

Cal leaned back, watching her take charge. His woman sure knew how to get shit done.

And as soon as that thought went through his head, he wanted to kick himself. His woman. He’d always called her his girl in high school. Because that’s what she’d been. But now? She was all woman now, and fuck it if his brain hadn’t just skipped forward, still attaching that goddamn pronoun. That’s what this weekend had done. She was no longer the girl he’d loved in high school. She was the beautiful, independent, smart woman that he could see himself falling for all over again. Shit.

Asher was blinking at her. “Thank you?”

She turned to Cal. “So, I’ll

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