Dirty Thoughts - Megan Erickson Page 0,29

into his mouth and with one more painful twist of his hair, she was coming, pulsating against his face, crying out, her entire body shaking so that he had to sit back on his heels and catch her as her legs gave out.

Her entire body vibrated in his arms, the aftershocks of her orgasm rocking her. He ran his fingers through her hair, amazed he could still feel the softness through his thick skin and calluses.

He buried his nose in her hair, smelled Jenna, and closed his eyes, because nothing took him back like the scent of her as she lay in his arms.

Chapter Nine

JENNA SQUEEZED HER eyes shut, face shoved into Cal’s neck. She needed a moment to get herself under control because Cal had completely taken her apart, limb by limb.

She’d let him. And she loved it.

This. Them. Together. It was the same as it was a decade ago, yet different. Their bodies had changed. There was a new learning curve, but this magnetic connection that had always existed still crashed them together. Cal’s pull still tugged at her gut. Her heart ached, like it wanted to crawl out of her chest and into his.

He still smelled like Cal, clean with an underlying metallic tang. She nuzzled between the collar of his shirt and his neck, opening her mouth against his skin to sneak a taste.

He shifted beneath her, the rough fabric of his pants brushing the overly sensitive flesh between her legs. She sucked on his skin, adding some teeth, and he groaned, one hand sliding up to fist her hair, the other palming a bare ass cheek.

With a grunt, he pulled on her hair so she was forced to tilt her head back and look at him. His eyes, normally a light blue-gray, were dark and intense. “Jenna.”

She licked her lips. “You promised me nudity.”

He barked out a laugh. “Hold on, then.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, and in one fluid motion, he gathered his feet under him and stood up, taking her with him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, loving the strength it took him to stand up—with her clinging to him—without even a wobble. He began to walk toward the stairs. “Bedroom,” he said against her lips.

She didn’t answer and instead focused on kissing him back.

He lost his footing on the stairs a couple of times, probably because she was attacking his face and throat with a million kisses. When they reached the top, she pointed to her bedroom, and they lumbered inside, crashing against a wall as she sucked on his tongue.

Despite her grip on him, he easily dislodged her and tossed her onto her back on the bed. She hit the mattress on a bounce, then raised up on her elbows as he undid a couple of buttons on his shirt¸ and then fisted it between his shoulder blades and pulled it off.

The room was dark, the only light supplied by the moon filtering in through her curtains. It set all the hard muscles and ridges on his abdomen in stark relief. God, he was fucking gorgeous. Bigger than he’d been at eighteen, bulkier. He had more hair now, a light dusting over his pecs and down his abs. Her fingers itched to grip it and pull until he grunted.

Cal pulled his belt through his pants and threw it to the side, the buckle clacking across the hardwood floor. One flick of a button and the lowering of a zipper, and then Cal dropped his pants.

He was commando.

Her robe was off now, pooled below her on the bed. She rose up on her hands to get a better look at Cal. She saw now why he could lift her so easily. His thighs were huge, veins coursing under the skin.

His cock was big and hard, jutting out from a thatch of dark hair. If she’d been standing, her legs would have buckled. She’d give anything to have that glistening tip in her mouth.

Cal stared at her, stroking his cock. His fist moved lazily over his shaft. He took a step toward the end of the bed. “Sit up.”

His command sent a pulse of arousal through her belly. She scooted to the end of the bed, letting her legs dangle over the ledge. She fisted her hands on her thighs and looked up as Cal stepped between her legs.

He continued to stroke his cock with one hand while the other cupped her neck, his thumb rubbing her jaw. His

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