Dirty Talk - Julie Kriss Page 0,10

firm and warm, perfect, and I felt my cock throbbing impatiently between my legs. I pushed her knees further apart.

I brushed both hands along the insides of her thighs now, letting her skirt ride higher and her legs fall open. She was wearing black panties, the underwear of a practical businesswoman. I let myself breathe her in, the warm musk of her.

Emma took in a breath, then let it out. “Noah,” she said, “I want this. I want to feel good.”

I looked at those practical black panties and smiled. “You will,” I said. “Just try not to wake the neighbors.”



* * *

I did want to feel good. And right now, in this moment, with this man, it felt like it might be possible.

I breathed in the sweet night air and felt his hands move over my inner thighs, his thumbs brushing the edges of my panties. I was throbbing, every part of my body awake and aware, my existence focused on the slow touch of his hands, the bulk of his shoulders between my knees. My need for sex was always so driven—a striving toward a goal, an ambitious running down a checklist. Being pressed open, hovering on the edge of need and anticipation, was completely unfamiliar to me.

What was Noah Pearson doing to me?

He moved deeper between my legs, and his finger brushed over the cotton of my panties, brushing a line up and then down. “You are so fucking sexy,” he said in that whiskey voice, low and soft now with lust. “I don’t know how any man could look at you and not want to fuck you.”

My breath pressed shakily from my lungs. He ran his finger over me again, upping the pressure, and then he changed the angle so he was brushing me with one of his strong, masculine knuckles. “Tell me, Emma,” he said softly. “How often do you make yourself come?”

I squeezed my eyes shut. He had no idea that question was actually a bruise, though right now the pain of it was also pleasure. “All the time,” I admitted.

“I thought so. You need it often, and you need it good. I can tell.”

My head fell back against the back of the chaise as the pain mixed with the pleasure again. He had no idea how close he was to the truth, the one I couldn’t admit even to myself. I barely knew him, and he was already closer than anyone I’d ever met. “Noah, I can’t—” I inhaled a breath. “I need—”

“Yeah, you do,” he said. He pushed aside my panties, shifted his weight between my legs, and pressed his tongue to me.

I bit back a cry as my hips tried to lift off the chaise. Pleasure spiked through me, hot and almost painful. Noah tortured me slowly with his tongue, taking his time as I gripped the chair and fought to breathe, to think.

It was good, so fucking good, but now came the familiar feeling on the heels of all that pleasure: resistance. My body tried to shut down and go numb. My brain went into overdrive, my thoughts spinning. This was never going to work, I was going to fail, I was going to be humiliated and ashamed, he was going to be disappointed in me—

Noah lifted his mouth and replaced it with two fingers, the pads swirling in a gentle circle. Oblivious to how I was tearing myself in two, he rubbed me, his fingers slick and wet, his breath moving over my skin. I gasped as my fingers dug into the chair, as my body and my mind went to war.

And then something incredible happened. The war stopped, and there was nothing but pleasure.

Pure, unadulterated pleasure spiraled through my body, filling me. It was bigger than me, bigger than anything, and it came from Noah’s fingers as they circled me, then slid inside me as his mouth took over again. He pressed his mouth to me and sucked softly and I’d never felt anything that good, never known anything could feel that good. I pressed myself harder against his mouth and he slid his two fingers deeper inside me, and then I was coming, the pleasure flinging me apart and putting me back together again. It came in one wave, and then another, and then—incredibly—another.

I came down slowly, and at first my thoughts were a pleasant haze. The sensation was purely physical, as if for a few minutes I didn’t have a brain at all. Just a body, one

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