Dirty Sexy Alphas (Twenty Book Box Set) - Hannah Ford Page 0,387

down her back in waves that most people would kill to have.

I was intimidated as hell on my first day when she was introduced as my office mate.

As if that weren’t enough, she was also the nicest person I had ever met in my life and quickly turned into the first real friend I’d had in years. We’d had lunch together every day since I started and I knew pretty much everything about her. She had six brothers, which was why she talked so fast, having grown up never getting a word in otherwise. She was a Miami native and had been at the company for two years. She dated but never seriously as there were too many choices to make just one.

I envied her freedom but wasn’t ready to rest out my own just yet.

“I don’t think I’m ready, but you go and have fun,” I said. It was the same thing I said every time she asked.

Her eyes got sad and she reached out and took my hand. I had told her that I had my heartbroken very recently the first time she invited me out for girl’s night. I hated dwelling on the past, but it was hard to move on when Madden’s face stared back at me from every newspaper and was the top Yahoo news story whenever I opened my browser.

I’d get there, I just needed time.

“We could go catch that new art exhibit that just opened up downtown? Its supposed to be hot hot hot. Oh my god, speaking of a tall drink of water.” She fanned herself with her hand and looked over my shoulder. “Now he looks like my next mistake,” she said with a smile.

I laughed out loud. “Did you seriously just quote Taylor Swift?”

“Three o’clock,” she said behind her hand. “No, two o’clock. Holy shit he’s coming this way...” Her eyes got wide and she looked up just over my head. I started to turn around when the familiar scent of expensive cologne wrapped around my senses. My stomach tightened and my pulse leapt to life.

There was only one person who did that to me.

Madden was right behind me. I’d know him anywhere. I ignored the way my head screamed to just get up and run without looking back and how my heart pounded with the need to see him one more time.

Lindsay squinted, still looking over my head. “I know you. Why do you look so familiar...oh my god, you’re him.” Her gaze darted to me and then back to Madden. “Wait, you’re Cinderella?”

I just shook my head at Lindsay. I couldn't do this right now.

“Skylar?” His hoarse voice washed over me and I fought the urge to close my eyes. “Can we talk?” he said.

By now, several more glances slid our way and the whispers grew louder. People were starting to recognize Madden.

“We have nothing to talk about,” I said without looking at him. I kept my gaze focused on the plate covered in bright red flowers in front of me because I was afraid that if I looked into his eyes, I’d be right back where I started.

“I just want a chance to talk to you…” he started to say.

I couldn’t do this, not here, not now. I swung around to tell him to leave. He stood there in a dark blue suit that fit him like a glove and looked like he’d just stepped out of a GQ magazine. A wave of appreciation swept over me even as I tried to fight it.

His gaze met mine and for the first time since I’d known him, everything was laid bare in his eyes. The arrogance and coldness were gone. Now all I saw was raw pain. I twisted my fingers into the material of my skirt to keep from reaching for him.

“It’s too late to talk,” I said just barely above a whisper. “You already said everything you needed to. There’s nothing left.”

If he wasn’t going to leave, then I would. I had to. Even though we were outside, it felt as if invisible walls were closing in around me. I pushed to my feet and grabbed my purse. Madden laid his hand gently on my arm. The heat from his touch scorched my skin. My breath caught in my throat.

All the emotions that I thought I had under control resurfaced.

“I can’t…”

“You never cashed the check, Skylar. Why?”

Oh god, I was going to start crying in the middle of a chic outdoor cafe.

“Because it was never about

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