Dirty Sexy Alphas (Twenty Book Box Set) - Hannah Ford Page 0,315

as long as she could before she really had to use the bathroom. As gently as she could, Harper slipped out from under his arm and padded to the en suite. The guest room was even more beautiful in the daylight, and the bathroom. God, she could live in there.

She eyed the walk in shower that could easily fit five people. Covered in mosaic stone tiles it had six jets and two huge rainfall showerheads in the ceiling. Plush white towels sat on the warmer and she ran her fingers over the warm cloth. Maybe Ethan would be up for a long shower when he woke up.

With a smile she took care of things and brushed her teeth. Her hair was all over the place and she couldn't fight the grin. Every minute she spent with Ethan was better than the last. And she had survived the grueling q&a with his father. Okay, maybe by blurting out that she was pregnant, but still…

They hadn’t kicked her out yet, so that had to be a good sign.

It occurred to her that maybe, maybe in time…things could even be okay between them. After her father did his time and there was some justice, and the baby was born, and time healed the fresh wounds…

Harper lifted her tank top and turned sideways. Her stomach was still flat and there was no sign that a life grew inside her yet, but already she knew she loved their baby. God, her life had completely fell apart and then when she least expected it, Ethan came along and put it all back together.

And she couldn’t remember being happier.

The huge window in the bedroom called to her and she stepped in front of it, pulling back the curtain to stare at the endless glittering blue ocean. The sun sat just above the horizon and she was lost in the beauty for several long breaths.

Movement below caught her eye and she saw Robert Wentworth sitting on the patio, sipping from a cup of coffee. He looked deep in thought.

Her feet were moving before she realized it.

She wanted to talk to him before Ethan woke up. Wanted to assure him that she was not supporting her father in any way—that her intentions were good.

She and Ethan were separate from their fathers and the only way this could work was if it stayed that way.

A few minutes later, she’d made her way to the door leading outside.

“Am I interrupting?” she asked softly, stopping on the threshold to the patio.

Robert looked up and a ghost of a smile crossed his face. “Not at all. Please, sit. Would you like some coffee? Or maybe orange juice instead?”

Her stomach lurched at the thought of either. “No thank you. They both make me a little queasy.”

He nodded and seemed to consider the horizon. “Well, let me know if there’s anything at all I can get you.”

She sat down and tried to smile as she launched into her speech. “The only reason I came down here was to tell you that I really do care about Ethan. As hard as it may be for you to believe right now—“

“Do you think bringing a child into all this is really the best option?” Robert suddenly asked. There wasn’t any anger or contempt in his eyes.

Harper could see the question was genuine.

She was momentarily taken aback by his interrupting her, but she decided to answer in kind. “It wasn’t planned, obviously,” she said carefully. “I had no idea who Ethan was in Tahiti. It was one night and then I came back to Boston thinking I’d never see him again. Then...I did. And it honestly could not have been a more confusing situation, but we’re figuring it out. Together.” She desperately tried to make him see the depth of her feeling. “Ethan wants this,” she told him, her voice strained with emotion.

“I don’t doubt he does,” Robert agreed. “He’s a fine man, upstanding character. Did you know that he was planning on going overseas? He went to college for International Policy specifically so that he could head our London office.”

Harper sat back. She had no idea. Actually, she didn’t even know what Ethan did for a living besides race car driving. “I thought he was putting together a race team?”

Robert chuckled. “That’s how he blows off steam. Everyone needs a hobby.”

She wondered if Ethan felt the same way or if he saw it as more. She should know that about him though, shouldn’t she? If they were

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