Dirty Sexy Alphas (Twenty Book Box Set) - Hannah Ford Page 0,302

in her chest.

The shower had stopped and now the bathroom door opened. “I feel like a million bucks,” Ethan called out as he emerged from the steaming bathroom nearby.

Harper was panic-stricken. “That’s a lie,” she whispered into the phone.

“We have it from a good source and we’re going to be running the story with or without your comment, Miss Matheson,” the reporter said, her voice growing colder. “But surely you’d prefer to control the narrative—“

Harper hung up the phone and turned her head toward Ethan, who was clad only in a towel. His face was smiling expectant, happy.

She wanted to be the same. She wanted to rewind her life just three short minutes, back to when everything seemed like it could be okay again.

But time couldn’t be rewound, and there was nothing she could do to escape what lay ahead.


Part III

Fallen (Stolen, Book Three) by Ella London

Chapter 1

Hot lips pressed against the column of her throat and Ethan wrapped his arms around Harper from behind. Heat radiated from his bare chest and she pressed back, tried to capture some of it to warm the chill that had crept over her.

“Who was that?” he murmured against her skin.

She shivered when he tightened his grip. Even though they’d barely taken their hands off each other she felt him hard against her ass. Every time something good happened, it seemed like something bad came along to screw it up.

Despite the dread running through her veins, she had to tell him. “Gossip Weekly. They...wanted a comment. About us.”

Harper braced for him to pull away, for his eyes to go cold just before he announced that he needed to leave.

His mouth stopped moving and he swore under his breath, but he kept her in his arms. “How the fuck did they even know?”

“I went to see a friend after I left your apartment yesterday. She knows about everything because I thought I could trust her.” A dull ache settled in her stomach. “I needed someone to talk to. After the drugstore…I was scared.”

She hung her head and tried to suck air into her lungs. Harper trusted Kylie and she thought they were friends. What kind of friend sold out the other like that? The answer was simple: the kind of friend who really wasn’t a friend at all.

The ache turned into pain, shooting through her body. Kylie had stuck by Harper when everyone else turned away. She was the only person Harper called friend anymore, and she’d betrayed that friendship in the worst possible way.

And now Ethan would think that she had something to do with it. They’d just found a place where things looked like they might work out, and another wedge had been driven between them. What if he thought she had something to do with it? From the outside it looked damned incriminating.

“I’m so sorry,” Harper whispered. “I had no idea she’d ever do something like this.”

She fought the urge to turn around because she didn't want to see his eyes, couldn’t bear to watch his mistrust turning to resentment.

But when his lips pressed against her shoulder again, and when his hand slid down and rested against her stomach, warm and solid, her heart leapt.

“It was bound to happen sooner rather than later,” Ethan told her. “I don’t plan on hiding you away, Harper. You’re mine now and I don’t give a fuck who knows it.”

The possessive tone in his voice made a rush of goose bumps scatter over her skin. The good kind. The kind that made heat pool between her legs.

Her mind was scrambling too fast to keep up. He slid his hand up and over her tank top, cupping her breast and palming her nipple through the fabric. It hardened against his touch and she bit back a moan when he pinched the tip and rolled it between his fingers.

“But what about our families?” she gasped out, arching her back and rocking her hips against the hardness pressed into her back. They really should talk about it, but her body responded way too quickly to the way he touched her.

It was crazy how fast he turned her on, made her want him. He’d just spent most of the night making her come apart, his name falling from her lips, and she wanted him again with an intensity that should have scared her.

He bit down on the soft flesh between her neck and shoulder and held on for several long seconds. The tiny burst of pain

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