Dirty Sexy Alphas (Twenty Book Box Set) - Hannah Ford Page 0,223

those photographers didn’t know.

I made the mistake of adding the word “women” to the end of his name in the search. Out popped hundreds of images Leo Armstrong with different girls—mostly in tiny bikinis—on beaches and boats all over the world. He was like a sailor who had a woman in every port. I hardly saw two pictures of the same woman. He was always with someone different. We were all just playthings to him.

I stared at Leo’s bright smile, the one that made his eyes shine a light, bright blue and crinkle the corners of his eyes.

My phone buzzed with a text. In the split second before I saw the screen, I held hope that it was Leo—and hated myself for it. But it was Ava Marie.

At auditions all day. Meet us for drinks tonight? 7:30 @ Thirsty Cow. Michael will be there!

I looked back at the photos of Leo and wondered what he was doing tonight. It was none of my business. He was strictly business. I had to remember that. And the fact that he was probably out gallivanting with another woman after what he did to me on that plane was also none of my business.

Will see you there, I texted.

I’d have time to go home and change, refresh and put on something outstanding for this Michael fellow. It was time I started having fun in L.A. without relying on Leo.

Chapter 10

Minimal makeup and red lipstick felt in order for the evening, and a black dress that was shorter than I normally wore. I told myself I was excited to meet Ava Marie’s dancer friend, Michael, and see if there was any spark there.

A text came through from Ava Marie. We’re here. Where are you? Michael is asking!

Just texted for a car, I wrote back. Be there in 15. Tell him I’m coming!

You will be, Ava Marie wrote back, and I laughed. I felt better about my decision already.

I was slipping on my heels when the doorbell rang. I wondered why the cab driver would come to the door, or how he knew my apartment number.

“Delivery for Ms. Adams?” said the man when I opened the door.

“That’s me,” I said.

He handed me a thick envelope, and left. Inside was a screenplay. Untitled Armstrong, said the cover page. A note on thick cardstock was attached.

Discuss by the ocean tonight? —L

My phone rang, making me jump. I didn’t recognize the number, but it was local.

“Good evening, Ms. Adams. This is Steve, Mr. Armstrong’s driver.”

“Oh, hey, Steve,” I said.

“Mr. Armstrong would like to know if you received the package he sent over, and if you’re available to spend time with him this evening?”

“Yeah, I got it,” I said. I quickly set the stack of papers down on the table by the door and flipped through the pages, curious.

“Mr. Armstrong would like to work with you tonight, if you’re available.”

“Well, I…”

“And you’re under no obligation.”

“I know, it’s just…”

“If you’d like to join him, I can drive you now,” Steve said. “I’m just around the corner from you.”

My phone buzzed a new text. “Hang on, Steve,” I said, and checked the text. It was Ava Marie: Hurry up!

I looked back at the script on the table, and a thought came to me—had I come to Los Angeles to socialize, or to start my career?

“Steve?” I said. “Come get me.”

Afterwards, I send Ava Marie an apology text, stating that I’d been called into work for an emergency edit on an important article.

She never responded, so I assumed she was angry, but I couldn’t let that distract me from my mission.

Soon after, I was in the car, headed for my rendezvous with the infamous Panty Dropper yet again. That name held more meaning for me now than it had originally, that much was for sure…

We drove up Pacific Coast Highway, the sun still shining over the horizon. I watched as we passed by the beaches, surfers carrying their boards back in from the ocean. We arrived at a sushi restaurant, and Steve helped me out of the back of the SUV.

As I walked across the restaurant I had flashbacks of the last time Leo invited me to dinner and we ended up dining at thirty-nine-thousand feet. I hoped he would show, and we would actually sit and have dinner. I wanted the after-dinner stuff, too. But I wondered what he wanted with me and the screenplay. Also, I needed to hustle on the story for Kait.

I needed more info, the pressure was mounting

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