Dirty Playboy - Alex Wolf Page 0,59

the condom.

He jolts a couple more times, his fingers on each of my hips, holding me so still I couldn’t move if I wanted to. Not that it’s necessary. I’m pretty sure he just put me in a coma with that last orgasm. Everything feels all hazy, like I’m floating around the room and my body is hypersensitive.

Finally, he sort of collapses onto my back, but holds his weight up off me just slightly so I’m not smothered. He kisses the side of my sweaty neck, then whispers, “That was…fucking incredible.” Then he rolls over to his side, so I can look him in the eye.

My eyelashes flutter, and I’m still coming out of the daze, and my inhibitions are definitely still lowered. “I figured. You said ‘fuck’ like three times.” I smile right at him when I say it.

His eyes widen for a second, then he laughs. “You said it three times, counting this one.”

“Did I? Oops.”

His arm wraps around me, and he yanks me close to him. Usually the thought of being so hot and sweaty, and in such close proximity to another person equally as sweaty would really ruin the moment, but I’m just drawn to this man. Things that would usually get under my skin just roll off when it’s him.

He kisses me again, then pushes a few strands of hair behind my ear. “You’re perfect. I say that a lot, but you are.”

I start to say something, but he cuts me off.

“It sounds insane, but I fell for you the second I saw you. It’ll be a process for you, all this, and it’ll take more time, but I don’t care. I’m not going anywhere. What you’re feeling.” He lifts my chin, so my gaze is tilted to his. “I’ve felt it all along.”

I can tell by looking at him that he means every word of what he just said. There’s not one hint of doubt on his features. I nuzzle into his shoulder and I think I might pass out. My entire body is spent, completely exhausted. “It might happen faster than you think.” I take a deep breath, then let out a slight sigh. “Maybe it already has.”

Rick Lawrence

Not going to lie, sitting next to Mary in church after fucking her all night is a little awkward. I gave her a bit of a side eye when she told me to take her home to get ready this morning. I don’t know why I thought we would skip church, but I did. I should’ve known better. If Mary Patrick is one thing, besides smoking hot and amazing, she’s consistent.

Her hand reaches down, and her fingers intertwine with mine as we sing worship songs and all the other stuff you do at church. I’m worried I might spontaneously combust or get struck down by lightning, but other than that, things are going really great.

Not in a million years did I think I’d end up in love with a woman, in a house of worship, doing—this. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Maybe God put her on earth to get me in this place and convince me He exists, and that’s something I really need to take time to explore, but right now I just want to be caught up in the moment with her. I never believed I’d find this kind of happiness, but now that I have it, I don’t think I can ever go back.

Her smile, her laugh, her kind heart, her sense of morality—all these things make me want to do better, be better.

Pastor Jeremiah takes the pulpit, and we sit through a sermon and thank fuck it’s not about premarital sex or temptation of the flesh or some shit like that. Mary has yet to let go of my hand and we keep sharing stolen glances and smiles at each other. I love the way her cheeks turn pink every time her eyes meet mine. I love the way my heart races when I look at her, when I touch her.

It’s cathartic and exhilarating.

I’d be lying if I said I don’t breathe the biggest sigh of relief in history the second we’re out of the building and back in the Chicago city air, though.

“You survived.” Mary smiles at me.

I pull her into me and kiss her right in front of the church, with people streaming around both sides of us, and she doesn’t look around. She doesn’t check to see if anyone is watching, she just

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