Dirty Playboy - Alex Wolf Page 0,47

level anyway. To her credit, she’s incredibly kind and doesn’t act condescending at all.

“Well, you can pick anything, and I was specifically told not to let you see any price tags.”

Of course he told them that. He knew I’d feel guilty and pick the cheapest thing. “Not even a little peek?”

She grins. “Nope.”

I stop in my tracks and think. “Okay, well, I like red, I guess? What do you think? I’m open to any suggestions.”

She eyes me up and down, and holds her thumb to her bottom lip, sizing me up from head-to-toe. “Follow me.”

I breathe a sigh of relief and laugh. “Thank you!”

She leads me over to a wall on the far end and starts thumbing through dresses. She glances back at me several times, then her focus returns to the dresses. “Yep, I think this will do. How do you feel about it?”

Before I can think, I rush up to her and just stare at it. “It’s perfect, seriously.”

“Narciso Rodriguez, sleeveless crew neck knit pleated, the last red one I have in your size.”

“How?” I blink a couple times. “Just, how did you do that? And how do you know my size?”

She smiles right at me. “It’s my job to know. Let’s get this on and see how it looks.” She takes me by the hand and pulls me toward a fitting room.

I put it on and twirl in front of the mirror, and I’m not going to lie, I feel just like a princess. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so—pretty. There’s no way I’d ever buy this dress, or even a cheap hundred-dollar knock off version.

“Come on out, I need to have a look.”

I momentarily forgot I was in the fitting room by myself, and ever-so-slowly I walk out. I don’t think I’m self-conscious by any means, but what woman wouldn’t be in this place? It’s a store for models and millionaires, of which I am neither.

I take a step out, and she gasps a little when she sees me. I’m sure it’s just part of her job, but it makes me feel amazing. Special, maybe? I think everyone should get to experience this at least once, because it’s incredible. Words can’t describe how much confidence I have right now.

For the past day, I’ve wondered why me? Over and over again, what does Rick see in me? But now, I fit the part. Maybe he’s not so much out of my league in the looks department. It’s silly, I know. Sure, he’s hot. It shouldn’t matter. People are people. But, in my limited life experience, gorgeous men have never really been interested in me. To be fair, I don’t go out of my way to try to gain their attention.

It still doesn’t change the fact I have myself a hot man, and I’m going to look beautiful for him in this dress.

The lady walks slowly around me. “I don’t mean to brag at all, but I do have a good eye, don’t I?” She grins, teasing.

“Pretty much the best, because I think I love this dress.” I can’t stop the enthusiasm that pours out of me, and now, I don’t want to know what this thing costs, because I just want it to be mine without any guilt.

“Think we have a winner, it’s gorgeous. You’re gorgeous. Don’t even think of putting that skirt and blouse back on in my presence.”

We both laugh. She walks up, leans down and follows the edges of the dress, probably seeing details I have no clue about.

“The lines are perfect. You were born to wear this dress. You want it?”

I nod relentlessly, and I don’t think the smile on my face will ever leave now.

“Put these on with it so you’re not walking around in subpar heels with that dress. There’s no way I’ll allow those shoes with it.”

She pulls out a pair of Jimmy Choo black heels. I only know they’re called Jimmy Choo because she says the name. But they’re beautiful, works of art really. I put them on and, surprisingly, I can walk in them pretty well. I wear heels at work, but they’re just the cheap Target kind. Regardless, the practice has paid off. “I suppose I can wear these with it.” I laugh. “It’s all fantastic, thank you so much.”

“Good, get out of here then. Your driver is on a tight schedule. We were told to get this done quick. Someone wants to see you as soon as possible.”

“Thank you so much. Sorry to keep

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