Dirty Playboy - Alex Wolf Page 0,3

rude to people, no matter how irritating they are.

I try to give him a smile, but it’s so hard after that client just chewed me out on the phone. “Rick.” I give him a little nod and go back to the papers scattered across my desk. I don’t have time for whatever he’s up to right now, nor am I in the mood.

“Whatcha doin’?” He drags out the syllables in some weird sing song voice.

I glare at the unsigned contract on my desk. “Working.”

He shakes his head and tsks me. “Always working. You work too hard.”

I sigh, trying not to let my frustration get the best of me. “Is there something you need?”

His hands shoot up and he leans back. “Whoa, temper.”

Ugh. He knows how to make me feel so guilty. I didn’t even yell at him. I was trying to be nice. Did it really come off that rude? “Sorry, I just have a lot to do. So…” I let the word trail off, hoping he takes the hint.

“You should take a break. Let’s go grab some lunch.”

“It’s nine-thirty.” More anger bubbles inside.

Calm down. This is the phone call reacting to him. You’re not mad at Rick, this time anyway.

Rick shrugs, grinning. “Breakfast?”

“Already had breakfast,” I say through my teeth. I just want to be left alone. What is so hard about that?

Rick leans back a hair. “Brunch?”

I whip my head up, unable to control myself. “We are at work.” My jaw clenches. “I’m here to work, not to eat.” I inhale through my nose, trying to settle down. Exhaling, and in a softer tone, I say, “I already ate.”

“Why so upset?”

I smack a hand down on my desk, hard enough to make everyone around jolt, including Rick. “Because I just had a client rip me a new one on the phone about something out of my control, I’m behind on everything, and I don’t have time to talk to you right now.”

Rick shakes his head, mocking me. This is all some big game to him and he doesn’t have a care in the world. “Do not be anxious in anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” He stands there, clearly proud of himself for memorizing and recalling scripture.

My teeth grind. “Do not quote Philippians to me.” It is a little impressive that he came up with the verse that quick, but it’s equally annoying.

“Just turn your problems over to Him, Mary. Everything will be fine.” He smirks as he says it.

I sit there, halfway wanting to stab him with my pen, halfway wanting to laugh because this is all so absurd. He’s been following me around for over six months, reading Christian books, volunteering at my church. I don’t even want to know how he found out where I go, even though he pretended it was a huge coincidence. Why he does all this, I have no idea. Okay, I know why. He wants me to go on a date with him. I’ve tried to be nice. I even went to Decker’s wedding with him. I hung out with him three other times, all with work people around. At first, I thought he was serious about wanting to be involved at the church, know about my beliefs, but it’s really just some big con. I’m sure of it.

“Will you just stop with the act already?”

He leans away from me, and for once, his reaction looks genuine.

I’ve never really stood up to him. I try to be a nice person, but he’s just caught me on the wrong day and I’ve about had it with everyone. I should just go home and try to start over tomorrow, but I never miss a day of work. I’d feel even more guilty if I left work over this. It’s unacceptable. I try to take a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

“What act?” He puts emphasis on the last word.

I look around and people are staring now. I’m such a jerk, but this man is just—relentless. I lower my voice, hoping nobody else can hear. “You know what act. The quoting scripture. The everything.” I wave a hand up and down at him. “This is not you. If it was you, it would be fine. But, it’s not.”

Without being able to stop himself, he immediately says, “I’m just a humble man, trying to walk in the footsteps—”

I roll my eyes and turn away from him. I pretend to look at

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