Dirty Playboy - Alex Wolf Page 0,103

them to protect and nurture her, as Christ did for the church. Cole gets up and walks around the group, snapping pictures and video with his phone.

When it’s finished, they bring her back to the pews, and a new energy has been breathed into their family. I rest a hand on Paisley’s shoulder, and she smothers it with hers.

Jeremiah walks up and disappears behind the back wall for a moment with three church members. After a few minutes, he appears in a robe and steps down the three steps into the tank of water. The three steps represent the holy trinity. The sound of sloshing water fills the sanctuary, and he faces the congregation and discusses the meaning of baptism.

One by one, he reaches his hand out and leads someone in. After each baptism, the church applauds, and they step out of the water.

I love watching each of their soaking-wet faces. It stirs something deep inside me every time I see it. For the first time in a while, I feel God’s presence again. It pounds me in the chest, because the last time I felt anything close to this was with Dominic. A lot of people would disagree with some of our actions, but it doesn’t matter. I know what I felt. I lived it. The connection with Dominic was like nothing I’ve ever experienced, not just on a physical level, but in the depths of my soul, beyond our biological bodies. He’s the only man I’ve ever loved, and I know people think I’ll move on, I’ll find that with someone new, but I don’t see how it’s possible. I know in my heart he’s the man God meant for me. I just know it.

Once the third church member is baptized, and they step out of the tank, pastor Jeremiah turns to the crowd. He starts his usual remarks to end the service.

I realize my hand hasn’t left Paisley’s shoulder, but I can’t seem to remove it. I think my body just longs for a connection right now. Once I move my hand, I’ll be alone again, and the world will be empty, my heart will be hollow.

“I’d like to thank everyone for coming to be in the house of the Lord this Sunday—”


The shout comes from the back of the church and the voice echoes off the rafters, crystal-clear as it lands in my ears.

My entire body stiffens, and my fingers dig into Paisley’s shoulder before I can stop myself. I would know that voice anywhere in the world. My breaths grow shallow, and my heart has never pounded the way it is right now. Paisley’s fingers squeeze around my hand, matching the grip I have on her, as the entire church whips their head around to see who just hollered from the back of the room.

I get dizzy, disoriented, and it’s so intense I can’t look back. I just can’t. I think I might pass out if I do. I don’t know if I can look at him right now. My eyes close and I don’t know if I can open them again.


Commanding ones.

I don’t have to see him. I can hear the confidence in them as he struts up the aisle, and even though I can’t physically see him, it’s all crystal-clear in my mind. I can feel every reaction on his face, every movement he makes, right there in my mind. I see him, in 3d high definition.

I finally open my eyes once he’s halfway to us, but still can’t bring myself to look at him, so I glance up to Pastor Jeremiah. He’s still in the tank, above the crowd, and a smile stretches across his face as his eyes follow Dominic down below.

When the footsteps reach my ears, and he’s just a few feet away from me, I still can’t look at him.

Dominic walks past me. I feel his eyes on the back of my head as he goes by, warming my entire body from the inside out. That strange tingling shoots through my limbs, and goosebumps pebble up and down my arms. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention and butterflies swarm my stomach.

He doesn’t stop when he passes, just keeps marching up to the front and right up the steps to the stage. I stare at his back. He’s dressed in a suit. He stops in front of the baptismal font and looks up at Jeremiah. “I would like to be baptized, if that’s okay

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