Dirty Desires - Crystal Kaswell Page 0,23


Yes, I need to be careful. To put aside money for tuition. To save for a rainy day. But that leaves plenty of splurge money.

Hundreds of scoops of ice cream.

Thousands of fancy iced coffees—from that place by NYU that charges a fortune for twelve ounces.

All the ten-dollar-a-bar chocolate I can eat.

A knock interrupts me. Addie.

"Come in," I call.

She does. She tugs at her coral tank top, fanning herself. "There's so much sweat between my boobs." She makes a show of wiping her chest with her top. "You're lucky you're more—"


"Yeah. Sorry. But you are. They're nothing but trouble." She laughs. "Where have you been?"


"Out…" She moves into the room. Presses the door closed. Steps in front of the fan. "With…"


"You don't talk to people."

"I do too."

"Which people?" She brushes a stray hair behind her ear. "Britney? From work?"

I only talk to Britney at work. I like a lot of the girls at the club, but I never want to think about that place. "I'm quitting."

"That's great, Evie! You're out way too late. And that place… it's not safe."

"You sound like… a grandma from Long Island. It's totally safe."

She adopts a grandma inflection. "Are you eating your veggies, little Evie? And drinking your milk? You're a growing girl, you know?"

"You push dairy as a grandma?"

"Almond milk. Of course. It's calcium fortified."

"Of course." I tease my sister about her love of almond milk, but I love it just as much. "Is there tea? Or at least cookies?"

"Grandma ate all the cookies." She sits on the bed next to me. "You're in a good mood."

"The feeling of freedom."

She smiles. "How free are we talking?"

"Don't quit your internship."

She laughs. "I meant more—"

"It is uh…" I want her to know we'll be okay. That neither one of us has to worry about cash for a while. I want to tell her… but I'm not ready to tell her about Ian's offer.

She might not approve.

She might talk me out of it.

Still. I need to say something. To explain somehow. "I found a new gig. It's a little weird, but it pays really well." That is true.

She looks at me funny. Unsure what to make of my explanation.

"Enough we won't have to worry. Through the rest of the year."

She raises a brow, not really buying it.

No. I'm not giving that asshole credit. I need another explanation. Something. Anything.

Once upon a time, Dad was actually… a dad. He took us to the park; he made us dinner; he helped with homework.

At some point, his drug addiction took over. A little at first. Then all at once.

Sometimes he didn't show up for dinner. Or the weekend. Or an entire month.

But he worked. He helped. Yes, I took care of the actual bill paying, but it was the money he made. Addie cleaned, we both cooked. We were okay.

Two years ago, he stopped showing up.

He sends money sometimes. Sometimes enough to cover most of our expenses. Sometimes enough for a week of groceries. But I never know how much is coming. When it's coming. If it's coming.

Now… with this money from Ian…

I can tell my father to fuck off. To keep his bullshit apology cash. To swallow it along with his next drink.

I never have to take his help again.

That's worth so much.

My shoulders ease. "And my scholarship came through. So we don't have to worry about that."

"Oh my God, Eve, way to bury the lead! Let's celebrate." She jumps off the bed and holds out her hands come here.

I take them. Let her pull me up.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I heard something about cookies." My eyes flit to the window. Still afternoon. "Or maybe ice cream and coffee. A new dress from that place in the Village. And dinner. At that vegan restaurant by NYU."

"With the veggie meatballs?"

I nod.

"You sure? We can do Indian."

Mmm. Tantalizing options. But this place is Addie's favorite. And the meatball sandwich is surprisingly good. "Tomorrow. Tonight, veggie meatballs."

"You really are in a good mood."

"Life is good, kid." I motion to the makeup piled on my desk. "Just give me ten. Uh. Twenty. I'm going to savor the I'm done call."

"You don't want to do it in person?"

"I never want to see that place again." I pick up my lipstick. Cheap stuff. I can toss it now and replace it with something premium. The twenty-dollar-a-tube lipstick that lasts for hours.

"Okay." She moves to the door. Looks back at me with a smile. "When does your new gig start?"

"After the beach trip."

"You're coming?"


She bounces back

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