A Different Kind of Forever - By Dee Ernst Page 0,90

off you, could he?”

“I couldn’t come to England because of Emily,” Diane said calmly. “She found out about us. She was so angry. She said terrible things. Then she left. She stayed at Kevin’s. I couldn’t leave, Michael. I couldn’t.”

His jaw moved, clenched. “What about Harris?”

“Quinn asked me to marry him. He said we would be good together. He said we wanted the same things. He said he loved me.”

Michael’s voice was deathly quiet. “What did you say?”

She took a step toward him. She could feel him, the heat and energy from his body, and it soaked into her skin, pulling her. “I told him that I didn’t love him. I love you. Michael.” She took another step, and she was against him, and her arms crept around him, under the leather of his coat, and she felt him flinch, as though she had struck him.

“I love you, Michael.” she said again. His eyes closed, and his arms tightened around her, and she could feel the tension and anger and fear leave his body.

“I should have told you,” she whispered. “I never should have let you go all the way to England without knowing. I’m sorry.” She pulled back and looked into his eyes. “I didn’t realize until after you were gone. All I could do was wait for you to come back, and hope you hadn’t found somebody else.”

“Somebody else?” He asked in quiet amazement. “How could there be anyone else?”

“Because you were over there, and it was terrible and you were all alone, and you didn’t know, Michael, that I loved you. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you couldn’t wait for me.”

“Wait for you? I love you. And I will love you forever, Diane. Your loving me or not won’t change that. Your being with me or not won’t change it. Nothing will change that.”

“Oh, thank God. I’ve been so unhappy without you. Please, don’t leave again. There is so much I need to tell you. Are you home for good? Please say you’re home.”

He shook his head. “No. I’m flying back tomorrow. For another week. It’s such a long story. Listen.” He kissed her, hard. “You have to go back. There are people in there who can help you, right? Help with your play? I know how this business works. Go back in there and play nice. Those people are your future, you know?”

“No, they aren’t. My future is right here. But you’re right. I have to say good-bye to people. To Quinn.”

“I’ll be at the house. I’ve still got the key. Take your time, okay? I’ll wait for you.” He kissed her again. “I’ll wait.”

“Yes. Give me a few minutes, but I’ll be there.” She pulled herself away from him and walked back into the lights and noise, smoothing her hair. People turned and smiled and reached for her. She answered automatically, saying the right things. Quinn was back at her side, not touching her. And when she finally said good night, he held her coat for her and walked her out across the parking lot, standing beside her in the cold.

“So, I suppose you’re quite sure about all this?” He asked her.

She lifted her shoulders and let them drop. “I love him. Ever since I met him, I’ve been trying to talk myself out of this. Really. But in spite my best arguments, I want to be with him. Everything just feels so much better when I’m with him. So, yes, I’m sure.”

“I thought that I was the one,” he said.

“You could have been. If I hadn’t met him, you would have been. You’re a wonderful man, Quinn. I’m so sorry.”

Quinn hugged her gently and kissed the top of her head. “If you need anything, you’ll call me, right?”

She nodded, feeling a sudden sadness.

“I know. Thank you, Quinn.” And with that, she got into her car and drove home to Michael.

He was asleep when she got home. The black leather coat was a lump on the floor, and his shoes were in the hallway. He was stretched out on her bed, fully clothed, sound asleep. She undressed carefully, pulled on flannel pajamas, and covered him with an old quilt from the closet. Then she unplugged the phone beside the bed and crawled next to him, curling her body next to his. She was exhausted, but she lay there quiet, happy, listening to the sound of his breathing, feeling the heat of his body next to hers.

She awoke late, slid from his side, and padded

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