A Different Kind of Forever - By Dee Ernst Page 0,68

maybe he doesn’t understand what I’m doing, or why. He never questions me, never tries to talk me out of anything. It’s me. I’m projecting, I guess. Isn’t that the current psycho-babble? He doesn’t ask things of me, but I feel the need to change for him. For his happiness, or comfort. It’s scary. It’s confusing. I don’t know how to get my mind around it.”

The waiter appeared, setting their plates in front of them. Diane cut her burger in half and began eating, slowly and carefully. Marianne watched her.

Diane put her burger down suddenly. “So - how can I even be thinking about Quinn? God, I am such an awful person.”

“No, you’re not. You’re one of the best people I know.” Marianne speared a tomato and chewed thoughtfully. “Quinn isn’t quite so scary or confusing. Maybe that’s why. He would be a much simpler choice.”

Diane looked at her burger. “When I’m under stress, I tend to eat lots of red meat,” she said.

“Yes,” Marianne agreed, “I’ve noticed that about you. You’d better buy lots of steak.”

Diane nodded glumly, and finished her lunch in silence.

She drove out to Michael’s that afternoon. The sky had become cloudy, rain threatened, but she found him out by the pool. Seth was there, a beautiful, leggy redhead beside him. Stephanie had become a regular visitor. As far as Diane could tell, she had no job of any kind, other than making Seth happy, and she seemed to do that fairly well. The table was littered with glasses, wedges of lemon, and a half-empty bottle of tequila. Diane took in the scene with mild alarm. Michael did not drink often, not to this extent, and never so early in the day.

Michael was sitting at the table, wearing shorts, his Hawaiian-style shirt unbuttoned, and his feet bare. His hair had grown longer during the summer, his skin was smooth and brown. Seth saw her first, and shouted a greeting. She liked Seth a lot. He was smart and very talented, took very few things outside his music seriously, and was a great friend to Michael.

“Sit down, my sweet,” Seth yelled at her as she came out of the house. “We have decided to go to Bermuda. Stephanie says there are pink beaches in Bermuda, and I want pink beaches. Lochinvar here is coming with us.”

Diane came up behind Michael and kissed the top of his head. “Lochinvar hates to go anywhere. How did you manage this?”

“Come with me,” Michael said, grabbing her hand. “We’ll only be three or four days.” His eyes were slightly unfocused, his speech loose and happy.

Diane shook her head. “I cannot go to Bermuda. Sorry.”

“Why not?” Michael kissed her hand.

“For one thing, I just spent eight hundred bucks on the car and I can’t afford to go.”

“That’s bullshit,” Michael said happily. “I’ll pay for everything. No, don’t get all huffy. I know you don’t like me paying for shit, but this would be different.” He drew her head in closely and whispered loudly, “Once we get there, I fully intend to exploit you sexually.”

Diane laughed. “Oh? Well, then, that’s different.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed her cheek against his. “Would costumes be involved?”

Seth and Stephanie were smiling, but Michael looked thoughtful.

“Well,” he said finally, “Maybe just that French maid thing. I like you in black.”

Seth threw back his head and howled. Michael turned to him in mock anger.

“Oh, yeah, like you never played ‘The Pirate and the Princess.’”

Seth was laughing, pounding the table with his palm. “I can’t believe you, man, you are one fucked up dude,” he sputtered. “Pirate. Oh man.” Seth took a breath and sat up straighter. He looked at Stephanie seriously. “Maybe we’ll try that tonight?” He asked, and then burst into laughter again. Diane was laughing with him.

“How long have you guys been out here?” She finally asked. “I’m going to have to play catch-up, I think.” She sat down and poured a shot, then sprinkled salt on her hand. “And why did we decide on this little trip anyway?” she asked, licking the salt and downing the shot. She grabbed the lemon wedge, sucking it as Seth answered.

“Because London is going to be so fucking cold,” he shouted, pointing an unsteady finger at her. “London is always so fucking cold. I need a major dose of sunshine before London. I hate the fucking rain.” He turned to Stephanie, nuzzling her neck. “Will you keep me warm and dry in London?” he asked,

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