A Different Kind of Forever - By Dee Ernst Page 0,63

sexy, attractive woman. But beyond that, he was mystified.

Michael shrugged. He knew that Mark didn’t understand his feelings for Diane, but that didn’t affect the friendship. “She’s with her girls,” he explained. “They’re staying with their father down in Beach Haven. He’s got a house. She drove down yesterday, just for the night, to spend some time with them.”

“So, how come you’re not with her?” Mark asked.

Michael took a long drink. “She hasn’t told them we’re seeing each other. It’s some kind of, I don’t know, code or something.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Mark shook his head. “What kind of code?”

“I don’t know. She doesn’t want them to know, because I’m a fucking rock star and both of her girls have a crush on me, or some such shit. And she doesn’t want them to get too attached, because we haven’t been together very long, and what if we break up tomorrow, then the girls would be all upset. I don’t know, I’ve been drinking all afternoon. But I think that covers most of it.”

“Oh, man,” Mark pulled a bag of pot out of his pocket and began to roll a joint. “How do you feel about that? Sounds pretty fucked up.”

Michael shook his head, watching Mark carefully tamp down the marijuana. “No. She’s got a point. Her oldest daughter got kinda pissed off when she found out about us, you know?”

“Yeah?’’ Mark ran his tongue down the edge of the paper, and sealed the joint shut. “Did the oldest daughter have a crush too?”

Michael shrugged.

Mark flicked his lighter and drew on the joint. “So, is she hot?”


“The daughter, man. You could do, like, a threesome, you know? How fucking cool would that be?”

Michael passed his hand over his eyes. “Mark, you are so twisted. I can’t believe it. I wouldn’t sleep with her daughter. Shit.” He started laughing. “Yeah, I can see me suggesting that. Diane would fucking kill me. She’d pick up a chair and beat me to a pulp.”

Mark took another hit. “Want some?”

Michael made a face. “You know better.”

Mark leaned his head back. “Can we go sailing later? I love sailing when I’m high.”

Michael took another swig of beer. “Sure. Then we’ll eat. How about the pub?”

Mark nodded, and smoked the joint in silence. He carefully tamped it out, and got to his feet. “Let’s go, man. I want to sail.”

They spent the next hour on the water, then came in and went into town to eat. Mark was a good distraction for Michael. They talked about their high school days together, about the upcoming reunion.

“Next year,” Mark said excitedly. “It’ll be great. You and I were two of the biggest geeks, man, and look at us now. You’re like a star, and I’m going to make a million fucking dollars this year. Don’t you want to see Warren Estes face when he sees us?”

“Warren Estes? Shit, I haven’t thought about him in years. He was such an asshole.”

“I know, man. I hope he’s selling fucking insurance somewhere, married to some fat bitch.” Mark was trying to roll another joint as Michael drove home. “I want to see that redhead, you know, the cheerleader. Shit, she had the most perfect set of tits in all of Fabian’s. You know who I mean?”

Michael chuckled. “Yeah. I know who you mean.”

Mark lit the joint and took a long drag. “Every guy in the whole school tried to get in her pants. I know she was fucking somebody, I mean, I know it. I could just never figure out who.”

Michael looked sideways at his friend. “That was me, man.”

Mark stared. “What? You? You’re kidding me. You have to be. She was a fuckin’ foot taller than you, Mike.”

“Just about. It was after I joined the band - of course. She didn’t know I was alive before that. But that whole senior year, it was amazing. Denise followed me around every weekend, chasing girls away, trying to protect my innocence. But during the week, I’d be over at her house.” Michael shook his head, remembering.

“Fuck you, man. I can’t believe you never told me. Shit.” Mark stared out the window. “So, tell me now. Was that the best sex ever? I mean, it had to be. She was so fuckin’ hot. I know, you’ve had more women than any five regular guys, but she was the best, right?”

Michael drove, watching the road, turning up toward the house. “No, man. The best is right now,” he said shortly. He

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