A Different Kind of Forever - By Dee Ernst Page 0,27

the notoriously difficult director and make the sale.

“This is for when, tomorrow?” Michael shook his head. “Shit, Dave, I could have used a couple of days. I’m beat. You know what this fuckin’ tour was like.”

“It’s a tight schedule, Mike. If you go for it, it’s got to be done by December. Recording the soundtrack, the whole score, it’ll be a bitch. If you want out, say so now.” Dave was hunched forward, watching Michael. He had seen Michael with Diane the night before. He wondered if she could be a factor in Michael’s reluctance.

“No, I’m in.” Michael was putting everything back into the envelope. “I’ll read the script on the plane tomorrow.” He glanced briefly at Dave. “Don’t say anything about this today, okay?”

Dave shrugged. “Sure, if you say so, but why not?”

Michael said slowly. “Diane is here. Remember her from last night? She’s helping in the den. I don’t want her to know. Not yet.”

Dave sat back and nodded thoughtfully. “Sure.”


THEY WERE DRIVING back to Diane’s house, darkness closing in, cool air coming in through the open windows. Angela had insisted they stay for dinner, and it had been delicious - lasagna, salad, loaves of home-made garlic bread, and lots of wine. Diane had a wonderful time. His family was smart, opinionated, and argumentative, the kids noisy and cranky after a long day outside. Conversation ranged from film to politics to children and finally theater. Angela and Diane discussed her play as the kids all drifted away from the table, and the evening ended in a lively discussion of recent Broadway shows.

Now, Diane leaned back in Michaels’ front seat. “Your sisters are all wonderful.”

“Yes, they are.” He glanced over at her. “Did you have a good time?”

“God, yes. The whole family is terrific.” She had been drinking wine all evening, and felt relaxed and slightly giddy. “You are so lucky to have them.”

“Yes, I know. I’m really blessed.”

“I’m an only child. I always wanted to be part of a big family. I invented a baby brother when I was little.”

“Really? What was his name?”

“Wallace. And he was blond.”

“How long did he last?”

“Oh, he’s still around,” Diane starting to laugh. “Your sisters kept filling my wine glass.”

“No, that was me,” Michael said seriously. “I figured I’d take advantage of you later tonight.’

“Oh, you don’t need wine for that,” Diane said, still laughing. She stopped suddenly. “What time is it?”

“Just a little after nine.”

“Oh.” They were silent for a while. Diane turned in her seat. “So, Angela and Neil have the two little ones?”

Michael nodded. “Right.”

“And Marie has four kids?” she asked.

“Yeah. You met the boys. They’re still young enough to want to hang out. The older girls, well, they’re at that age, you know? They’re kind of anti-family now. They only show up if there are presents involved.”

“Megan and Emily are the same. It’s tough. And Denise?”

“She just spoils her nieces and nephews.”

“I bet you do, too.” He shook his head, and she started to laugh. “No, I bet you buy them stuff and take them places and drive their parents crazy.”

“No, I don’t, really. I’ve watched them, raising their kids. It’s fuckin’ hard. I don’t want to make it any tougher, you know?”

“What a nice person you are,” Diane said, suddenly serious. “Really. You’re very sweet.”

He glanced at her. They were silent as he pulled into her driveway. She was suddenly aware of the darkness, how near he was to her, the unspoken something that had hung in the air between them for hours.

“Want to come in? I could make some coffee.”

They went into the house together, Diane turning on lights as they walked through the empty living room. She could feel him behind her. He’s waiting, she thought. He’s waiting for me.

She turned suddenly. They were face to face, and she could feel the heat from his body, and his eyes were endless, impossibly blue, and he leaned forward very gently and kissed her. She was trembling, and he kissed her again. This time she kissed him back, softly at first, then with a growing hunger, and her arms went around him, his waist, under the thin fabric of his shirt and pulling him toward her. His body was lean and hard, and she opened her mouth, and she could feel the smoothness of his skin against her hands. As his arms went around her, she made a small noise, like a sob, and then his hands were in her hair, and his lips were brushing

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