Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,98

felt like I couldn’t see beyond the next minute. It’s silly to say that I was scared of time, but every minute that passes is a minute closer to facing Edward and the nasty team of lawyers who are supporting his insane claim for custody.

A father who loves a kid would want to work something out with the mother of her child to guarantee her happiness. Fighting just for the sake of winning is spiteful. Persy and Ford have assured me that I can count on all of their assets. Nate though, he will surrender his entire fortune to keep her with us.

As promised, I stop retreating inside my head and let Nate take charge. This month hasn’t been a fairy tale, but it’s certainly close to it. However, this swooning business is something he’s been doing all along. There’s so much about him that I love. My favorite part about him is how much he loves my baby.

She adores him back because every time she hears his voice, she’s kicking a storm. I can’t wait to meet her and to hold her, but I’m pretty sure she’s going to be the happiest in his arms. Time with him passes pretty fast, and before I can say Merry Christmas, we are already celebrating the New Year and waving at Persy and Ford who are going to Bora Bora for their honeymoon.

Seriously, wasn’t the two-week stay in the Maldives enough?

Nate got us a two-bedroom suite because we’re still in the just friends stage of our relationship. It’s hard for some to understand, but with Edward trying to find an excuse to label me as an unfit mother, we want to keep this pretty PG, even when we share a few kisses that threaten to become only for mature audiences.

It’s getting harder and harder to stop them. My hormones keep me horny all day long, but I don’t act upon my lust. Someone should hand me a trophy, a medal, or some award. I should be part of the Guinness World Records for the most self-controlled hormonal woman living with a hot as fuck male.

“Have you ever imagined spending New Year’s Eve like this?” I ask Nate as we watch the fireworks from the veranda of the suite on a swinging cabana.

Like almost every night, my head rests on top of his chest, his hands are on top of my bump, and we are watching the sky. This time there’s more than constellations. It’s an entire show celebrating that the new year is about to start.

“With a beautiful woman in paradise?”

“As if,” I roll my eyes.

“You know what I think is ironic?” he asks.

“That my sister went on a honeymoon to another resort?”

“I don’t see the irony in that. That’s nonsense. Unless…they wanted to get rid of us,” he laughs. “Then that’s plain genius.”

“You want to get rid of me?”

“No, but if this was our honeymoon, I wouldn’t want to have your entire family around,” he says, kissing my shoulder.

“So, what’s the irony then?” I ask, shivering.

“That we’re on a romantic getaway, and I’m still subscribing to your friend zone propaganda,” he says. “To answer your previous question, no, I never imagined spending this night like this.”

“What does that mean?”

“I wish I could say, ‘my wife and my baby’ but I don’t have anything…” his fingers twirl my hair. His slow exhale carries longing and probably frustration. “Still, I’m happy with the company.”

“A part of me thinks that we should have the talk. The one where I thank you for everything you’ve done and I move into an apartment,” I turn my body to face him. His beautiful eyes are a bit darker than usual. “This roommate arrangement cramps your style.”

“What does the other part think?”

I shake my head.

“Listen to whatever part that tells you to stay with me,” he pulls me closer to him and kisses my forehead. “Being with you is all that matters to me.”

He moves his head slightly. His mouth captures mine. This isn’t a chaste kiss. It’s Nate devouring me. I should stop him. Remind myself why we can’t act on our feelings. But it’s impossible to use my head when the man is nibbling my bottom lip. Sliding his tongue inside my mouth, tangling with mine, and making love to it the same way I want him to make love to me.

My hand goes to his head. My fingers comb through his thick hair.

His mouth moves to my neck, or maybe I’m pushing his head down,

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