Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,91

by letting you come into our house. You upset her and probably my baby.”

“You’re going to have a baby,” she mumbles. “It’s like I thought you’d never get past what we had. I had the option available, and now...”

“But you never did,” I claim. “The moment you played with me, you lost my trust.”

“But you love me,” she insists, the purr in her voice is fucking annoying. When did I find that enticing?

“No, I loved you once, and that died long ago.”

And it was nothing compared to what I feel for Nyx. I don’t tell her that because what is the point of even sharing what I haven’t shared with the woman I love.

I held onto that memory because it’s easier to pretend that something is there than create a new opportunity.

Until, unexpectedly, Nyx walked into my life.

“What about Wyatt?”

“I’m still mad at you for the shit you pulled. It’s still painful, but I understand he’s not mine to take care of,” I clarify. “Marcia has orders to stop any packages coming from you and return them.”

“This can’t be the end?” she insists as the elevator reaches the lobby and the doors slide open.

“No, the end was years ago. Now I have to ask, why not break up with me when you fell in love with Callum?”

“I cared for you,” she answers. “I cared for both of you.”

“Did you ever love either one of us?”

“I loved the attention you gave me. No one has ever been so attentive, and our dates were always in places that I could only dream of going to…you were thrilling.”

Sounds like you had a fun toy until you got bored. Thank you for at least being honest. I keep that thought to myself. Fatigue suddenly hits me, like the kind that takes over when I work for days without sleep. I’m done. I have time to finally recover.

“I wish I had done everything differently,” she states.

“This is your chance to do it. Be the best mom Wyatt deserves. Push the father to support him if what you said upstairs is, in fact, the truth. If not, try being honest. I’m fucking tired of your lies.”

She opens her mouth, closes it, then finally asks, “If I had handled it differently?”

“What do you mean?”

“If I had told you I wasn’t sure about who the father was?”

She really thinks that I would’ve been fine with her cheating.

“We’ll never know, Bronwyn.” I show her my wrist. “Life is a choice.”

“You’re a great guy. I hope she knows it.”

When I come upstairs, Nyx is staring at me. Her lip quivers.

“You okay?”

She chews on her lip and nods, but fuck if my heart isn’t breaking because I know this face. “What’s going on?”

“You said you love her?”

“What?” I ask, confused.

She puts a hand on her baby bump and says, “You said you love our baby. You called her yours.”

“Of course, I do. I adore our little blueberry demon.” And damn fucking Bronwyn for ruining everything. This is a conversation for later. “No matter what happens between us, I hope you let me be a part of her life.”

Her lip trembles faster.

“You’re going to cry, aren’t you?”

She chews on her lip and nods.

I smile and take her in my arms. “Come here. Thank you for whatever happened earlier. I could’ve taken her, but your legal retort was pretty hot.”

“If Edward would just sign the papers or tell me what it is that he plans,” she mumbles against my shirt. “I feel like that’s what keeps us from…talking.”

The results of the paternity test came back a couple of weeks ago. He’s not excluded from being the biological father of the blueberry demon. There was never any doubt. Now, he’s refusing to relinquish his rights until he is sure that he doesn’t want the kid. The fucker is playing mind games with Nyx. And there’s nothing we can do to force him to sign. Unless my P.I. finds some dirty secret that can give us the advantage, we might have to wait until the baby is born to fight him for custody.

“So, this is the plan,” I tell her. “We have the sonogram on Monday, then leave for Colorado right after. We’re spending the week with your family. We can pencil in a long, adult conversation for one of those days.”

She frowns and looks up at me, “I have work to do.”

“Remember I told you to take the week off and that we’d be going home for the week of the twenty-ninth?”

“Persy’s birthday,” she

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