Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,84

and you were trying to control him with your powerful gaze.”

“You noticed, huh?”

“Yep,” she glances at me, then offers me a dipped carrot. “It’s all in your eyes. They’re pretty expressive. So, tell Nyx what happened.”

I roll my eyes. “He thinks I’m fucking with his future.”

She looks at me and rolls her eyes. “Because he swears we are fucking.”

I nod. “We don’t need to have the talk yet, do we?”

“The one where you tell me we’re just friends and I assure you that I know it?” she asks, waving her hand dismissing me. “It’s cool. We can have it now or never. We probably have to stop sleeping together.”

I sigh and correct the former statement, “No, the one where I tell you that I want more, and you tell me that I’m too fucked up to even consider being with me. We don’t sleep together. We share a bed because the little demon keeps you awake all night. It saves time and energy to remain with you.”

She dips another carrot and glances at me tilting her head. “I’m pregnant.”

“I’ve noticed,” I confirm and open the seltzer for her.

“Good, I was starting to wonder if you were forgetting about the tiny elephant growing inside me,” she says, taking a few sips of seltzer. “Which brings me to…we don’t need a conversation at all.”

“Nyx?” I lift her chin with my index finger connecting our gazes. “I need a little more than deflection here. There’s something happening between us. Denying it isn’t healthy.”

“I don’t think we’re ready to discuss anything beyond the fruit size of my child, my food intake, and what book we’ll be reading at night.”

“Do you think we’ll be ready for more than that?”

She gives me a sad smile. “I wish I had an answer.”

“It’s a pretty easy question, but you’re right. The answer is complicated since we have so much going on that prevents us from settling into something…serious,” I agree with her but add, “We’ll find it though—together.”

I seal my promise by caressing her jaw and kissing her nose.



The weekend with the Brassards is an experience. Listening to their daughters warn them to keep their sex behind closed doors was frightening—and funny. Nyx threatens them, saying they’ll never be invited back to the penthouse. On Sunday morning, Eros, Ford, Persy, Nyx, and I go to the tattoo parlor. Nyx agrees to get the Life is a choice tattoo with me.

When Persy sees it, she wants it too. As I pay for everyone, I realize that we all ended up with the same tattoo on the inside of our left wrist. The only difference is that Persy and Nyx have a heart on top of the i in life.

Edna loves to cook for her children. Unfortunately, her grandchild isn’t crazy about her cooking because just the smell makes Nyx sick.

By the time everyone leaves Sunday night, Nyx is happier but really tired. She didn’t take one single nap while her family was in town. She goes to sleep before eight, but like every night, her morning sickness wakes us up several times. The next week goes by fast. We don’t change our routine. Well, she doesn’t. I, on the other hand, spend more time working from home, and with her.

I get it. She can take care of herself, but I like watching over her.

Friday night, Nyx and I fly to California and stay in the house Ford and I own in Santa Monica. We spend the evening by the beach with Brock who loves to play catch.

We don’t see Ford and Persy until the next morning since they arrive after midnight. By nine a.m. we’re with Dad at the golf course.

“Are Persy and Nyx going to be okay by themselves?” Ford asks as we watch Dad swing his golf club to warm up his arm. “We should’ve canceled. It’s not like you enjoy playing this dumb game.”

“I’m going to ignore your question,” I answer. “If either one of them heard you, they’d be glaring at you.”

“Well, your girlfriend is puking all the time,” he protests. I give him a dismissive glance. “We heard her hurling last night. I swear I wanted to drag her to the ER.”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” I remind him. “Still, she can handle herself. I just like to watch over her.”

“At least you accept that you are a bit too overbearing when it comes to Nyx.” He stretches and yawns. “So, you two sleep together, huh?”

I glare at him and ignore his stupid remark. “I’m

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