Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,77

not leaving you alone.”

She sighs and nods. “That’s sensible.”

“Your parents…” I shrug.

“They want to visit me.”

“I’ll get them plane tickets for the weekend if you want,” I offer.

“Only if you let me pay you back,” she counteracts.

“That’s a no. You have to save your money for the blueberry demon,” I remind her.

She stares at her hands and then asks, “Do you think I should start searching for a place in Colorado?”

“What do you want?”

She laughs. “I want a house like the one you have in Seattle. It’s close to a lake, has a pool, and it’s so big that the master bedroom faces east and west so you can watch sunrises and sunsets. Since that’s impossible, I’ll take a property I can afford in a good school district.”

“That’s easy. I’ll get Demetri to search for that.”

“You’re like my fairy godfather.”

“More like Jaq,” I correct her.

“The mouse?”

“Yes, but that mouse made the impossible happen to get everything for Cinderella because he adored her,” I explain. “If he had been a guy, he’d actually be the one she would fall in love with and not the prince who had nothing going on for himself.”

“That’s too deep for a children’s movie, but true. You analyze movies…a lot,” she complains.

“When you grow up with a grandfather that couldn’t watch a movie without discussing the actors, the plot, the music, the lighting, the editing, the meaning of each scene, and what the screenwriter failed to notice and would have made the movie a lot better…let’s just say I can ruin almost every movie for you.”

“You miss your grandparents,” she states, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

Usually those gestures are welcomed, but right now I can’t handle it, so I smile and take my hand away. It’s not that I don’t want her to touch me. It’s because I have this craving for her that’s becoming harder to control. If I’m not careful I’ll cross the line and as I promised Ford, I won’t do anything stupid until I fix my shit.

Not that kissing Nyx is stupid, but doing it when I’m in a bad place will just hurt one of us, or both.

“Some days,” I agree.

“Are you going back to the office?”

“No, I left for the day. I want to work from home and keep an eye on you. Brock must be missing his Nyx, and we can show him the picture of the blimp.”

“Blimp?” she squeaks.

“I am more convinced that we can call her Helios.”

“It’s Helium,” she corrects me.

I smirk. “See you’re even warming up to it.”

“Stop taunting me.”

“Now, where is the fun in that?”

During the drive home, we keep discussing nicknames for the baby. It’s hard not to get sucked into the idea of being a part of them. This isn’t me, or what I should be planning. I know how this exact story ends. Maybe Nyx hasn’t met the love of her life, but she will. When it happens, she’ll just wave at me and say, this was fun but it’s time for me to have a family.

Earlier, Ford and I had a long discussion. He’s concerned that I’m with her just because I might want to play house while pretending that I have Wyatt back. I told him that what’s happening with Nyx is nothing like what I felt for Bronwyn. The only thing he said was, go to fucking therapy.

This time I didn’t tell him that I would if he did. We are both pretty fucked up, but he was able to get past his issues and find Persy. I…I need someone to help me because what I’m feeling could be a mirror of what I lost, or it could be the real deal. And until I understand which one it is, I’m just betting on the wrong horse and losing what can be the best thing in my life.



The first week at Aldridge Enterprises is easy, and by Friday I am able to work part time from Nate’s apartment. He had Demetri set up a small office in one of the guestrooms. When I told him he was like a fairy godfather, I wasn’t kidding. There are times when I am thinking about getting a cup of tea and before I can even walk into the kitchen, he’s already setting up the kettle for me.

He’s beyond sweet. Under different circumstances, I could easily fall in love with him.

Every day, I arrive home before lunch. That gives me a couple of hours to rest before I jump into my daily

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