Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,73

post my bad dates. I’m not sure how to feel about letting her post about my baby. Would she post about hers if she ever gets pregnant?

“Fine, but can you please be honest about Nate? Do you like him?” she insists, and God if she’s not annoyingly persistent.

“He’s attractive, funny, and easy to talk to. He also has a lot of baggage and I have a baby to worry about. I’m pretty sure I remind him of his situation.”

“You know about the ex?”


“Be careful, okay?”

“Hey, I’m the big sister, not you.”

“Well, someone has to take care of you. I just wish you are starting your firm.”

I remind her about my plans and that being in New York is just temporary.

“Where are you going to live?” she continues with the inquisition.

Looking around the terrace, I wonder if I should take Nate’s offer and stay with him. This place isn’t home, but Nate and Brock make things better.

“Living in Brooklyn doesn’t seem practical. I might stay here,” I respond adding the logical explanation Nate gave me earlier.

It’s simple, and hopefully she won’t try to dig deeper until she finds those feelings I’m trying to bury.

“Hmm,” she mumbles.


“Nothing,” she answers too fast. I’m sure there’s a lot on her mind but I’m thankful that she’s letting it go, at least for now. “I just wish I was close by. Please, don’t forget I’m here for you.”

“Thank you. Talk to you soon?”

“Yes, I really want to see you. That baby needs to hear my voice often if I want to become her favorite person.”

“Don’t tell that to our parents or they’re going to ask for a sabbatical and follow me everywhere I go,” I say alarmed.

“Well, I should give you a heads up. They mentioned the possibility of retiring after the school year is over to dedicate their life to their grandchild. Helios, or was it Hanover?”

I laugh, and just like that I’m running to the bathroom to puke. Thankfully there’s a powder room next to the terrace.

Brock is suddenly barking and Nate’s yelling, “Coming!”

Seconds later, he’s holding my hair, rubbing my back, and assuring me that it’s going to be okay.

“I have to bring hand towels from upstairs. In the meantime, I’ll use toilet paper.” I feel the wet compress on the back of my neck, and he places a kiss on my shoulder. “It’s okay, babe. I’m here.”

Once I’m done, I rinse my mouth, and he holds me. “What were you doing?”

“Talking to Persy and laughing.”

“I have to add this to my notes.”

Before I can ask him what he means by notes, his phone rings, “Yeah? She’s fine. It’s called morning sickness. Google it and learn. Yes, I’m with her. No, there’s no need to jump on a plane, but you and your girlfriend are welcome to visit—without hovering.”

He nods, kisses the top of my head while embracing me tighter and says, “I am looking after her. If you can ask Octavio to make more ginger seltzer though. I don’t think we have enough, and that stuff is a godsend. Yes, you can fly them to visit just…I’ll send you the calendar once we know where we’re going to be every week.”

He stays quiet for a long time and finally says, “Yes, Persy, I’ll make sure to keep everything you just said in mind. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to feed your sister.”

Once he hangs up, he pushes me slightly and looks at me. “Are you sure you are okay?”

I nod.

“Okay, I got food and your seltzer is ready.”

“Nate, what’s happening between us?”

He gives me a sad smile and shakes his head. “Nothing. I’m just taking care of you, okay?”

“Thank you,” I say, and I wonder what Persy and Ford said to him.



The next Monday, I visit Aldridge Enterprises. It’s just a quick meeting to walk through the facilities and meet the interim CEO. After we’re done, we agree to meet on Tuesday to start our project. I also make an appointment with the human resources director. Apparently, Pierce and his brother cleaned house and we need to hire new personnel.

As I’m leaving the building, Demetri is waiting for me. Marcia, Nate’s assistant, crammed my day with appointments. The OBGYN is first, followed by the nutritionist, and ending with the imaging place where I’m getting to meet my baby.

The doctor’s appointment takes almost two hours. Between lab tests, a pap smear, and getting all my medical information, I am out around two. Demetri, who had given me chicken soup when

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