Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,70

what else I do that I never pay attention to and ask, “I do?”

He smiles and presses his lips while nodding. “Yeah, just like the little line that forms between your eyebrows when you’re curious about something. You have a lot of tells. Soon you won’t be able to feed me any bullshit.”

I blush and say, “I’m not sure if you’re ridiculous, cute, or just plain weird.”

He winks, “I’ll keep you guessing too. Now tell me what is worrying you so I can help you solve it.”

“Well, while growing up we were a handful. Mom had Dad to help her with us…or vice versa. I’m not sure if I need to go back to college and get a degree in education or…”

He laughs, and that rich sound makes the apprehension on my belly dissipate, and why do I have that need to get closer to him and kiss his jaw and then his mouth. I have this strange desperation clawing its way to my head and trying to convince me to take what I need. Him. I fight it because I don’t want to ruin my time with him. He’s an amazing friend.

“I’m glad I amuse you, sir,” I growl, faking anger.

“Sorry, but imagine if every parent in the world had to go back and get a degree just to raise their children—no one would have kids,” he concludes. “My guess is that you’re terrified about the future and if you’ll be able to do it well on your own. Now, this is the part where I remind you that you have a great family that is there to support you. You also have me.”

“You,” I repeat wanting to ask more but also afraid about his answers. “Sure, volunteer while there’s no wailing child. I bet by the time this little one is screaming bloody murder you’re going to be thousands of miles away from us, which I understand. I’m not trying to guilt you.”

He laughs and shakes his head when I yawn. “Why don’t you take a nap. We still have three more hours to go.”

I want to say no, but my eyes are closing so I agree to doze off but refuse to go to the bedroom. There’s something about having Nate around that feels just, right.

“So, the narcolepsy is still going on, huh?” Nate wakes me up before we land in New York.

“Umm, you told me to nap and I woke up too early to remember anymore,” I joke and sit upright.

“I forgot to ask, did you sleep last night?”

I shake my head and remind him, “My morning sickness is worse at night.”

“We got you an appointment with the nutritionist for Monday, an OBGYN, and a sonogram since you said the doctor at Baker’s Creek recommended you schedule one just to confirm your due date,” he announces.

I reach out for his hand. “You didn’t have to, but thank you very much for doing that for us. I really don’t know how I’m going to repay you for everything that you’ve done so far.”

He puts a hand on top of mine, holding it tenderly but firmly. “You don’t owe me anything. This is what friends do for each other. I’m sure if I was pregnant, unemployed, and confused, you’d be giving me a hand.”

“No, I’d be selling your story and representing you,” I correct him. “First pregnant man. That’s gold. I’d make a fortune off of you.”

We both laugh.

“I walked myself into that one, didn’t I?”

“Yep,” I answer, my body still shaking. I can’t stop laughing because his laughter is contagious.

“I’m glad I amuse you.”

“I like you, Nathaniel Chadwick,” I confirm.

Above all these crazy things I feel for him, I love his company and cherish his friendship. I genuinely like this guy. This is just the beginning of the storm, but it’s so easy to walk through it because he’s beside me.

“Glad to hear, because I like you too, Nyxie,” he says and then adds with his voice dropping to a whisper. “I like you. A. Lot.”

My eyes stare at his lips that are approaching me. My pulse accelerates and just as I feel his warm breath, the flight attendant’s voice comes from the speaker.

“Please make sure your seats are adjusted, your—” I tune her out and busy myself pretending to get ready for landing and trying to steady my pulse. We shouldn’t engage in more than holding hands or we might ruin what we have.



After we disembark the plane, we march to the parking lot. I’m surprised

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