Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,58

until he’s twenty-five.

“Love you, man, but you’re not the funny one of this duo,” I remind him. “What can I do for you?”

“Can I ask what the fuck are you doing?”

“Yes, as soon as you give me some context,” I answer.

“Nyx,” he answers. “I told you to stay away from her and now she’s living with you.”

I laugh, because really, he makes this sound like a love affair when it’s only just lending a hand to someone in need. I’m doing it for Nyx but also for him. After all, if things go well with Persy, he’d want me to get along with his in-laws, right?

“Man, I love you, but you’re getting it all wrong. There’s nothing between us. This is a favor to a friend. If you think puking leads to sex, then you’re in for a treat when you knock up your girlfriend.”

He growls. “This still sounds like a bad idea.”

My brother isn’t too social. I have to speak his language.

“It’s pretty simple and nothing bad. I offered her my house because she needs time to think about her future. She reminds me a lot of you.”

“Me?” He sounds doubtful.

“Yep. Before she can deal with shit, she needs time to think. I’m providing her a safe space away from her family,” I explain. “The same way I do for you. Not sure how much you know about your in-laws, but they are a handful.”

A handful is putting it mildly, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t appreciate them. I could see myself hanging out with them often. They are a riot. Octavio and I could spend hours crafting beer, hiking, or maybe even building stuff. He’s fun.

“They are different,” he says, and I’m wondering if this will be a deal breaker for him.

Mr. and Mrs. Brassard have no boundaries. I caught them having sex, and from what I learned from Nyx and Eros, it’s not the first time and they don’t give a shit about it.

“Not sure if you’ll be able to handle them, but they are cool,” I reassure him. “Just nosy…”

“Persy has warned me a few times. They aren’t the problem. I just need you to swear that there’s nothing going on between you and Nyx, Nathaniel.” he insists.

“Nothing,” I assure him, but maybe the word comes out harshly.

Am I lying when I say I sound so definitive? We shared a kiss almost a week ago.

Just a kiss. Nothing more than that…but was it really just the meeting of two sets of lips, the fusing of two mouths, or am I trying to play down what really happened that night?

Oh, fuck. She made me doubt everything, even the meaning of the few beats we shared during the kiss.

I still question what really happened between us that night. Did I kiss her because I wanted to feel something or because there was a real pull between us that made it happen?

Have I entertained the possibilities of what could happen if I insist on pursuing this? Is there really something going on between us?

With her current situation… I force myself to stop thinking about her.

“Who pissed you off?” he asks.

My fucking head that’s confused as fuck, your call, my ex…

“Bronwyn keeps trying to reach me,” I growl, deciding this is the safest subject to discuss with him.

If I avoid his questions, he’s going to drag his girlfriend to Seattle and take Nyx away from me. I’m not ready to see her go.

Again with the convoluted thoughts and ambiguous feelings, Nathaniel. Stop it.

“Not that I know much shit about feelings, but you’re still hung up on her,” he concludes. “Maybe you should talk to her.”

What the fuck does that mean? Is he telling me that this woman he just started dating is his forever? This is exactly why our parents divorced, why divorces are on the rise. We don’t think and just pull the trigger. I almost became a statistic. Also, Nyx just told me I’m making Bronwyn out to be more than she really was. Both thoughts crash against each other, and I feel as if my head is about to explode.

Since he can’t understand me, I can explain to him what’s happening. I try to put him in my shoes. “If Persy did what Bronwyn did, would you forgive her?”

“I can’t see myself without her, but I also don’t think she’d fuck me the way Bronwyn did to you,” he replies. “I’m not saying go back to her and patch up your relationship. I’m saying

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