Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,47

off, man.” Nate walks to him and looks down. Edward is about four inches shorter and thin in comparison. I’m pretty sure little Eddy is trembling. “This isn’t a game. It’s the life of a person. The future of a child who wasn’t planned but will be here whether you like it or not. It’s not about you or Nyx, it’s about a baby who will depend on her parents. A girl or a boy who needs love, attention, and you have to be sure that you’re up for the task—which lasts a lifetime.”

“This doesn’t concern you,” Edward argues.

“Nyx isn’t alone, so don’t think you can try to walk all over her,” Nate states. “She’s pregnant, not disabled. The next time you piss her off, I won’t intervene. I’ll let her bust your balls.”

“And who the fuck do you think you are?” Edward challenges him. “I can take you down if you continue pissing me off.”

“Nathaniel Chadwick,” Nate answers followed by his arrogant smirk. “You can google me, if you’re not sure who you’re fucking with.”

I hate to say that that was hot, because this was my moment and he stole it.

Or did he?

“This is bigger than any of us and not some legal case that should be settled in court, a bet, or a game. I expect you to be mature about the situation and mindful of my child,” I say. “We can settle it easily, but if you’d like to do it the hard way just remember who has had to save your ass when you fuck up a case—also, Pierce is on my side.”

If there’s anyone he is afraid of, it’s his cousin.

He turns around and dashes out of the house without saying another word.

Once Edward leaves, Nate turns around and apologizes. “I’m sorry for intervening, but he was starting to say things I can’t tolerate, and you don’t need to get upset. It’s bad for the baby.”

“You’re cute.”

“Damn woman, you like to hurt my pride. Let me finish cooking. When is the realtor arriving?”

Checking the time on my phone, I realize she’ll be here in less than an hour. “Soon,” I answer. “Let me help you so we can eat before she arrives.” I kiss his cheek and repeat, “Thank you.”

It wasn’t necessary for him to bump heads with Edward, but I appreciate the sentiment. I appreciate even more that he’s worried about the baby’s wellbeing.



Kerry texts that she’s going to be thirty minutes late. That gives us plenty of time to eat and for Nate to start clearing the table and cleaning the kitchen. Brock and I go out for a quick walk and when we’re back, she’s by the door looking at the exterior of the house.

“Are you Nyx?” she asks.

“Yes, Nyx Brassard,” I confirm, extending my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kerry.”

“Do you own more than one pet?” she asks, staring at Brock.

“No, he’s just a friend visiting. The place is pet free, smoke free, and brand new. The previous owner bought it and demolished the old construction.”

She nods and types something on her tablet. We go inside where Nate is still cleaning the kitchen. Kerry doesn’t pay much attention to him and focuses more on the house. She asks me questions about the rooms, the square footage, and other features. After an hour discussing prices, alternatives, and plans, I sign an agreement to sell the house and use her as my real estate agent.

Nate isn’t thrilled about it, and after Kerry leaves, he repeats the same thing, “We can work things out without the need to sell this place.”

He’s a sweet guy, but he’s a billionaire and it’s obvious that if anything were to happen to one of his companies, he has a few others to fall back on. His brother could bail him out. I am the one who bails out my siblings.

“As I said, it’s not only about the money but also the school district. According to my research, I should move south of the city,” I inform him. “Plus, the asking price is twenty percent above what I thought they’d give me. You heard her, it might sell in a matter of days. This place is a hot commodity.”

There aren’t many houses for sale around the area and people are paying prime prices to live in this neighborhood. She’s going to put the For Sale sign out tomorrow with a banner on top that says Coming Soon to stir interest.

I have a couple of days to pack

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