Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,105

Because all I can focus on is being inside her. Finally become one with her.

If I have any doubt about what I should do, Nyx erases it when she says, “I need you. No foreplay, no games. Just you.”

I quickly reach for the condoms I have in my nightstand, open one of them, and roll it on.

Placing my hands on each side of her face, we lock gazes. I want to see her as I slide my way inside her.

“Nate,” she whispers as I thrust slowly pushing myself deep, deep almost reaching her soul.

This, what we’re doing tonight, isn’t just sex. It’s loving all of her for the first time. Allowing ourselves to finally accept that we have become the beginning and the end of each other. Finally accepting that perhaps we hadn’t loved anyone fully because we were waiting for each other.

I don’t miss jumping from a plane or searching for my next fill of adrenaline. My life is finally fulfilled by this woman and our beautiful baby.

She might think that I was here for her, but since I met her, her wind blew me to a place where I could find peace, set the pieces of my heart back together, and discover who I belong to.

She is worth every sleepless night. Every tear, heartache, and scrape we endure together. Because after everything, I found my happiness, and I found them.

Fifteen months later…

“It’s hot as hell. I’m willingly wearing a suit. I swear, this better be good,” Eros complains.

“His weddings suck,” Ford mumbles. “During the last one, the bride said the wrong name.”

“Thank you for keeping this real, you useless assholes,” I grunt. “Now shut up and smile.”

I adore Nyx, but this wedding in Costa Rica, where it feels like a hundred degrees, wasn’t one of her best decisions. She wanted to celebrate the first milestone of Eros’ company too. Plus, this is one of her favorite places in the world. Was it necessary? Not really. We’ve been married for a year. After I proposed to her, we went down to Baker’s Creek so Pierce could marry us—Nyx’s family was there too. And I also filed for adoption so Nova could be officially mine.

This ceremony is to fulfill a wish that Nyx didn’t know she had until Persy’s wedding, and I’m happy to make it happen.

When the music starts, I look to the end of the aisle. Holding a small basket and dropping petals is Nova. More like she’s just holding the basket and smiling at me. Next to her is Brock. Of course, the one guiding them is Demetri, who holds Nova’s hand. Even though she’s been walking for a couple of months, she still needs a little help sometimes.

Demetri deserves some honorable mention. He does anything and everything for Nova. Like everyone who meets my little princess, she has him wrapped around her little finger. When Nyx was trying to figure out how to make this work, D volunteered to help.

As Nova approaches, I squat and open my arms. She comes waddling toward me.


“You did wonderful, sweetheart,” I assure her.

She hugs my neck and gives me a sloppy kiss. The music changes tempo and the maids of honor walk in a line. Then, I spot her, Nyx. She is walking with Octavio, laughing until she spots me, and her gaze is filled with love.

“Mama” Nova points at her.

“Let’s wait until she reaches us,” I tell her, and she nods and waits patiently.

When Nyx arrives, she hugs Nova and kisses me. “Go with Grandpa, baby.”

“Papa Tabo,” she says, going with my father-in-law.

“You look beautiful,” I whisper, kissing the back of her neck.

“You don’t look that bad, handsome,” she answers.


“With you by my side, always,” she says, giving me a small kiss before the ceremony begins. “I love you, my wicked man.”


I hope you enjoyed Didn’t Expect You, keep reading for an extended excerpt of Nyx and Nate’s story, Wrong Text, Right Love.

Wrong Text, Right Love


Saturday, April 4th

“I thought you were like the Beast, but you’re Peter Pan without the green leggings,” Martha yells, shoving my pants against my torso.

Ok, the Peter Pan reference I get it, but who the fuck is the Beast?

“Maybe I’m wrong and you’re Rapunzel, waiting for some innocent woman to rescue you from your Ivory tower,” she continues her rant, and I think I get it now. She’s trying to compare me to Disney princes—and even princesses. “Enough is enough. I’m done loving you. I tried and I tried, but you never gave anything

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