Dhampir - By Barb Hendee & J. C. Hendee Page 0,78

disinterest was obvious. He was playing his role and giving lip service to his duties— and he was hiding something. Why this was so, Leesil couldn't yet tell, but the dagger might be more useful in his possession than handed over to be stowed away and forgotten.

The constable turned to Magiere.

"And while all this was going on, you were attacked upstairs?" he asked.

"Yes," she managed to answer. She turned and looked directly at Ellinwood as she spoke. "He was very tall and striking, with dark hair close cropped and nearly clear eyes with a tint of blue. He was dressed as a nobleman in a deep blue tunic, cloak, and high boots. And he carried a long sword, which he used as if trained and experienced in combat."

Magiere continued, trying hard to remember more details of her assailant. His expressions and manner of superiority, the way he moved, the way he spoke. Slowly, the constable appeared less bored. His complexion shifted and began turning paler, until his flesh had a sickly white cast to it. Brenden, however, added more wrinkles to his brow, eyes narrowing as if he were trying to focus Magiere's description in his mind and recognition was beginning to settle upon him.

Leesil began to see that Magiere, as well, had caught the fact that Ellinwood had lost his disinterest. And now he looked openly nervous. Magiere grew more intent, turning to questions instead of answers.

"How many men in this town can that describe?" she asked. "I don't know why that didn't occur to me until now. You must know everyone here, yes? This one was dressed too well for a common ruffian looking for some quick coins in his pocket."

"He owns Miiska's largest warehouse," Brenden answered softly. "I don't know his name, but I've seen—"

"Quiet!" Ellinwood shouted at the blacksmith in a voice that squeaked with strain, surprising them all. "Keep your foolish conclusions to yourself. There are hundreds of tall, dark-haired men in this town and new ones come in port every day."

"Hundreds?" Leesil asked, mockingly.

Ellinwood ignored the goad, focusing on Brenden.

"I'll not accuse a respected businessman just to please you!"

"You're a coward," Brenden said, more in resignation than anger. "I can't believe what a coward you are."

"Quiet, both of you!" Magiere snapped, looking more like the caustic tiger Leesil remembered as she stepped between the constable and the blacksmith. Ellinwood backed away, scowling, trying to maintain an air of righteous indignation, but Magiere didn't even notice.

"I'm not reporting this because I expect or desire any help," she said to him. "I'm only behaving like a law-abiding citizen. If you want no part of this, you're free to go back to your guardhouse or breakfast or whatever else you do with your mornings." She turned to Brenden. "And no one asked for your counsel, blacksmith."

Ellinwood made no move to continue his investigation, neither inspecting the room nor making any pretense to go survey the body or the second level of the inn. Leesil began to think it was likely that the constable didn't need to do any of those things. The repulsive man probably knew much more than anyone else in this room. Beating the truth out of him was somewhat tempting, but would only add to their troubles. At least for now.

The constable puffed his cheeks out, attempting to gain control of the situation.

"I'll have my men do a sweep of the town, looking for anyone matching the descriptions you've provided. You'll be informed if anything is discovered."

"Yes, you do that," Magiere said in dismissal.

After the constable left, the three remaining occupants in the room stood looking at each other.

"I seriously doubt we'll hear anything," Leesil said. "Or at least we won't be the first."

Brenden merely grunted in agreement.

Several tables lay in broken heaps around them, and Leesil remembered they would have to replace Magiere's bedroom door and window. For the time being, he would settle her in his own room, and then bed down himself on the bar or by the fireplace.

"It's not over. We have to hunt them down ourselves," Brenden said to Magiere. "You know that, don't you?"

Oh, by everything holy, was he mad? Annoyance, possibly more than annoyance, hit Leesil for the first time.

"Just leave that alone!" Leesil half shouted before controlling himself. "She's had enough already for one day."

"I know," Magiere answered in a whisper, ignoring Leesil's outburst. "I know."

* * *

Ratboy believed that vampires fell dormant during the day, like inverted plants or flowers. Of course, he kept this

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