Devour - By Megan Duncan Page 0,36

and straight to my heart.

“Just going the back way. I thought it would be better than making everyone walk through town with all this luggage,” he said, sounding more in control of his emotions than he felt. Not to mention it was rather awkward having Dmitry just inches away. He’d been a large point of jealousy for Arrick, and I could tell that just a bit of it was creeping back.

“Good thinking.” I’d completely forgotten how much we’d brought with us. Louie growled angrily behind me, shouting his desire to be free of his cage and the car. “We’re almost there, big guy.” I stuck my finger through the cage and he rubbed his head against it.

“Good! My legs are so cramped and I think my butt is asleep,” Liz groaned, stretching her arms up to touch the roof of the SUV.

“We wouldn’t want that.” I pinched her arm and she slapped my hand.

“No picking on the human!” she cried out playfully.

As if on cue; Robin, Dmitry and Liz all gasped in sync as the Château came into view. From this distance I couldn’t even tell it had been attacked at all. Though the sun had set, the sky still carried a luxurious pink hue tinged in lavender and red. Everything seemed to be soaking in the beauty of it, glowing with the last ounces of light before being swallowed up by the dark curtain of night.

The cylindrical towers stood grandly amongst the arched windows, and ornate architectural details that accentuated the intricate stone statues that stood watch over the Château. Lush plants embraced the structure, hugging every brick with vibrant, green life. Pops of color speckled the landscape giving proof that the coming autumn hadn’t withered the summer’s vibrant blooms.

“It’s even more beautiful in person,” Robin said in awe.

“Wait, you haven’t been to Naos before?” I asked, completely confused.

“No,” she smiled at me, “I’ve just seen this Château before, but only in pictures. Pictures that didn’t do it justice at all.” I don’t know why I was surprised; Robin hungered for vampire history as much as a vampire hungers for blood.

As we drew closer, Arrick pulled the SUV aside and parked in a graveled area amongst several other vehicles. All of them were dark in color with blackout windows. There was a beautiful royal blue convertible that I thought was a bit out of place, but I suppose a night drive with the wind in your hair would actually be kind of nice. Maybe when the war was over Arrick and I could go on that drive.

Liz oohed and ahhed over the cars until her attention was drawn back to the Château. Rounding the front, scaffolding outlined an entire wing like skeletal bones. The repairs were well under way; my parents weren’t wasting any time getting it back to normal, either.

Arrick’s urgency slammed into my chest like a freight train as he quickened his pace toward the entrance. I’d told him what had happened, but no doubt seeing it in person was a lot to take in. Hell, I was here when it happened and it still shocked me. Despite the maintenance and restoration that had begun, the magnitude of the damage did not escape me. I could almost feel the Château’s wound as if it bled from my very own limb. Pain seeped from it like a river. I knew it wasn’t really the building that was crying out, but those inside it. My parents, the guard, the elders, the servants, the humans. Everyone.

I ran to Arrick’s side as he dropped to his knees. “Are you okay?” I kneeled down beside him, wrapping my arm around his waist.

“I should have been here,” he said, staring at the Château. His voice was laced with anger and regret.

“Don’t blame yourself. This would have happened whether or not you were here. If you hadn’t left then Robin and Dmitry might not be alive.” I looked back at my friends who were trying their best to give us space by unloading the luggage from the SUV.

Arrick blinked hard, finally looking at me. “Don’t!” I pressed my finger to his lips when he opened his mouth to speak. I played the blame game enough for the both of us; he didn’t need to play it too. Plus, I hated seeing him like this. He’d always been my rock, my symbol of strength and I wanted to be that for him too. “You’re here now and that’s what matters. Baal might have attacked first, Copyright 2016 - 2024