Devour - By Megan Duncan Page 0,18

cameras as they filmed our every move. I stared into the crowd without blinking, and then turned my back as I headed for the throne.

We were the last to arrive. Nicolae and Evilyn sat on their regal seats of power while the rest of us gathered around. Robin left my side to stand beside her mother who was visibly trying to hide her misery. I had followed suit behind Robin until my eyes caught sight of Dmitry and his parents. They stood far off to the side, and I couldn’t help but notice the small gap between them and the rest of the royal family. To any outside onlooker it wouldn’t appear to be anything significant, but to me it was a chasm.

Robin turned toward me and squeezed herself next to her mother to make room for me, but I shook my head and gave her a polite smile before directing me feet toward Dmitry. This might be my only chance to show his parents I didn’t blame them; to show them they were needed and wanted in this family. With so many cameras and every eye watching they wouldn’t be able to run from me or refuse my presence.

Their eyes widened in surprise when they realized I was walking straight for them. I watched as they peered from side to side searching for an escape route that wasn’t there. Smiling as I took my place beside them, my cheeks blushed when Dmitry’s eyes glistened with emotion. Arrick squeezed in behind me, and Nicolae gave a nod allowing the guards to guide the reports and news crews forward. They pushed ahead like a swarm of bees, still buzzing with questions even though they were given no sign that any would be answered, but I couldn’t blame them. I remembered what it was like to be on that side of things. The Vampire Royal Family was mysterious and mesmerizing. Liz and I would play and spend entire days pretending to be them, and now I was, but everything was so different than I could have ever imagined. Behind the lavish gowns and breathtaking décor there was a world of dark secrets and ancients evils.


Nicolae’s statement lasted a short twenty minutes before he allowed some questions. He’d announced that the attack had been the act of the anti-vampire league that had been plaguing our region for years. I wasn’t surprised to see that the reporters believed the story without question. One of the reporters; a petite blonde woman, questioned what Nicolae was going to do to punish those who were in league with the cult. Apparently, word had gotten out about the incident during my coronation ball. The blonde reporter didn’t seem to have the full story, but she did know that the anti-vampire league did make an unwanted appearance at the palace. I imagined it would cause quite a scandal if she were to know the whole truth.

With remarkable articulation, Nicolae evaded her most direct questions and kept the conversation going in the direction he chose. She was obviously looking for a story, something that would set her apart from the rest of the crowd. Something that would make her a star no doubt. Some kind of scandal, or intrigue in our lives that the public didn’t know, but he grew tired of her persistence and stopped acknowledging her when she raised her hand. Many of the reporter’s questions ranged around what was being done to ensure palace safety, what the community could do to show their support, or what steps to take if one suspects someone of being a member of the anti-vampire league.

“Security has been reinforced both at the palace and at all blood donation centers throughout the region. We want to ensure the safety of our family, but also of our donors who are as important to us as our own children.” Nicolae grasped Evilyn’s hand and looked at her fondly. His expression glowed with love. He was obviously enjoying the physical touch that she would otherwise not give him if the cameras weren’t rolling.

“We ask only that you continue to show your support and respect for our royal family as you always have. All those who make extra donations during this difficult time will be compensated.”

Oh, yes. I had wondered during the entire evening how Nicolae was going to convince everyone. I figured there would be some people who though they might not follow the anti-vampire cult, still have some doubts in the cult’s ability to launch Copyright 2016 - 2024