Devour - By Megan Duncan Page 0,14

finally erased the darkness in their hearts. It had only been a ploy. Not until whispers of their desire for the throne did I allow myself to believe I’d made a grave mistake saving them so many years ago.”

“They’ve been lying in wait all these years; biding their time,” I said more to myself than to Nicolae or Arrick, as I was slowly putting the picture together. Even though they’d never fully transformed physically into dark vampires, they had mentally. Lilith and Samael were definitely members of The Dark. Perhaps it had been their plan all along, betting on Nicolae’s kind heart to pity them. They played on his only weakness, knowing he would try to give them salvation. After they’d lost the war, this had been their only option.

When the time was right they would take his throne and control over the Noire region, but did they really believe Baal would let them have it? Maybe they were pawns too. Another one of his plans to take over our realm and transform it into what he wanted.

“How does Baal fit into all of this?” Arrick asked the question I was just starting to form in my head. “Is he really a god?”

“I cannot say. In the dark ages he was our greatest foe; the leader of his monstrous army. His thirst for blood, endless rage and hunger for power had turned him into something else entirely. He is more than a vampire now. Baal worships the old, long forgotten gods. What they have done to him I do not know.”

My nerves began to tingle and the stones burned against my skin, but too late did I realize that it was not because of Nicolae’s tale, but because of something else. Fox was approaching and every fiber of my being couldn’t stand his presence. I had yet to know is role in everything, but I did know that he was the one who took me. Though it was by the order of Nicolae, he was still the one who had executed it. He’d followed orders without question and taken me from my parents. Were the stones heating in response to my rage or did they know something about Fox that I didn’t?

There was one last thing I wanted from Nicolae before I was willing to let the conversation die, and I needed to ask it before Fox reached us.

“Nicolae,” I said his name firmly. His face became relaxed and I could sense he felt relieved after telling me the truth. At least I knew he didn’t enjoy lying. “You’ve risked thousands of vampire and human lives, you’ve lied and caused immense pain to those dearest to you…” he nodded in acknowledgement as he took a deep breath. I almost felt like a judge preparing to give him his sentence, but I knew nothing I could say or do would hurt him more than what he’d already done himself. I eyed Evilyn once more. No, she’d probably never forgive him, and the vampires in this region might never respect him again. They might even overthrow him and elect a new ruler for all I knew, but for now, while he was still the king, I had one request. “You’ve done all this and more, but though they were the wrong choices you did them with the best intentions. I’m not saying I forgive you, or even that I understand all the decisions you have made but I do ask one thing.”

Nicolae pulled back his shoulders and stood tall for the first time in a long time. He looked eager to do as I asked of him, like a true king ready to serve and protect his people and his vampires.

“I ask that you join us. Fight with us. Let the Noire and the Zakarian regions stand up against Baal, and banish darkness from the world forever.” I reached out and held his hand in mine; pushing out all the hopes and dreams I had for this world.

Fox flashed to Nicolae’s side and placed a hand on his shoulder. He whispered words into his ear that I couldn’t hear, but I watched Nicolae close his eyes and wrinkle his brow. What was Fox saying? Why couldn’t he just stay out of a conversation that he wasn’t invited to? I had begun to clench my jaw when Arrick’s hand rested on my back, and I relaxed.

Nicolae revealed his fangs and turned his head up to the starlit sky as he hissed into the Copyright 2016 - 2024