Devil's Pass (The Harlequin Crew #.5) - Caroline Peckham Page 0,38

opportunity to run and then we'd find her, free her and all of us could get the fuck away from this life and start a new one. Somewhere else, anywhere else but this shitty town.

"You're gonna stop playing these childish games, both of you. It's time you were initiated into the Harlequins," my dad delivered the final, merciless blow. "Call your friends and get Chase and Johnny James to come to the house. You’re sixteen now, you should be becoming men. I'm done waiting for you all to grow up. So now I'm taking it into my own hands."

W e were huddled together beneath an oak tree, defiantly refusing to leave our position waiting for Fox and Maverick as a storm blew in over the sea and thunder rumbled in the distance, promising a downpour. They were almost two hours late now, but I just couldn't accept the idea that they weren't coming. It wasn't possible. They'd sworn they'd be here, and they'd never let me down in all the time I'd known them. Not once.

"Rogue..." Chase said in a low voice, not for the first time but I just shook my head, refusing to move.

I didn't have anywhere to go now anyway. I couldn't go back to the group home, I couldn't run the streets of Sunset Cove. This place wasn't safe for me anymore so the only thing I could do was stand here and wait for the rest of my boys to show up.

"They'll be here," I growled.

"Pretty girl," JJ said softly. "There must be a reason they haven't turned up. If Luther-"

Chase's phone started ringing and I sucked in a sharp breath as me and JJ turned to him and he flashed us a look at the caller ID where we spotted Fox's name before he answered, putting it on speaker so we could all hear.

"I'm sorry," Fox ground out, sounding like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. "My dad figured out we were going to run and-"

"What happened?" I gasped, my heart leaping in fear. I didn't think Luther would ever hurt his prodigy, but Maverick... I knew he treated him as inferior in his home and I wasn't so sure he'd be as lenient with him.

"Nothing we can't handle," Fox said roughly making it sound like something bad had definitely gone down.

"Where's Rick?" I demanded.

"I'm here," he grunted. "We're okay."

"Everything is gonna come together," Fox said, sounding determined but not certain. "But...I need you guys to hide Rogue somewhere he won't be able to find her," he went on, talking to the boys like I wasn't there.

"But-" I began but JJ cut me off.

"Okay. I know somewhere. Then what?" he demanded, trusting Fox in a heartbeat as usual.

"Then I need you two to come meet me. Dad wants to see you at the house. I swear I'm gonna do everything to get us out of this, but we've gotta play along for now. We're still gonna run together. Just as soon as we can. Do you promise you'll wait for us, Rogue?" Fox asked, and there was just the smallest edge of panic to his tone which made me certain I needed to do as he said.

"Okay," I breathed. I knew I could trust him with all my heart. "If you swear you'll never leave me then I believe you, Fox."

"I swear," he growled. "No matter what."

"We're going to get you out of this, Rogue," Maverick added seriously. "I don't care if I have to kill again to do it."

I exchanged a look with Chase and JJ at that declaration, but Fox was already moving on.

"Once you're somewhere safe, promise me you won't leave until we come to get you, Rogue," Fox demanded.

"Okay," I agreed instantly. "But I don't know where-"

"JJ, Chase, hide her and then get here fast. Got it?" Fox cut me off again and I pushed my tongue against my busted lip as I tried not to flinch at his tone. He was never short with me, so it only gave away how serious this was.

"We're on it," Chase agreed. "We'll be with you within the hour."

"Be careful," I said quickly, sensing Fox was about to cut the call. "You boys are all I have. Without you I'm nothing. I've got nothing. Please don't put yourselves in danger for me. Promise me-"

"We got you, beautiful," Maverick swore. "Just hold tight and trust us."

"Always," I breathed and the line went dead.

"Come on," JJ said instantly, taking my hand and Copyright 2016 - 2024