Devil's Move - Leslie Wolfe Page 0,19

to take a step forward and not sit idle while our country is facing ruin. Our families are facing ruin, fighting to survive in an economy that has stopped making any sense. We bleed our jobs overseas, and then we’re amazed there are no jobs left for our mothers, fathers, brothers, and children. While the American spirit still thrives in every one of us, our leadership needs to change its views on how to lead our nation back into the greatness it once knew. Our country’s leadership needs to set goals and strive to achieve them and be held accountable. I don’t mean political goals; by all means, no. I am talking about financial, economic, standard-of-living-for-the-average-American goals, measurable and executable. It is my strong belief that the American people would gladly reunite when presented with such goals and decisive, action-driven leadership. We need to restore the strength of our currency. We need to restore the health, wealth, and well-being of our families, cities, communities, and society overall. We need to restore the American Dream and open access to it for the younger generations who, sadly, don’t even know what it is anymore. With 27.5% of our children living in poverty, that’s no surprise. With 750,000 homeless Americans, we have a national crisis on our hands.”

Krassner took a sip of water from a glass on his lectern.

“If I am elected, I will consider the people’s vote of confidence as a mandate for me, as President, to achieve these goals and restore the greatness of the American Dream, the greatness of America.” He smiled and nodded in acknowledgement of those attending. “Thank you. I will take questions now.”

A roar of applause and cheering took over the press conference room. The screen shifted back to Phil Fournier in the studio.

“It was one of the shortest candidacy announcements in the history of Presidential elections, yet conveyed a very meaningful message. We will keep you informed with comments, polls, and reactions to this announcement. From Flash Elections, this is Phil Fournier, wishing you a good evening.”


...Saturday, January 2, 10:32AM PST (UTC-8:00 hours)

...American Shooting Center

...San Diego, California

“Open your eyes,” Louie said with frustration. “How hard can it be?”

“They’re open,” Alex said, then turned towards him and stared at him with eyes wide open, in a demonstration worthy of a toddler with attitude. “There. See? They’re open. How much wider would you like me to open them?”

“Not now. When you pull the trigger,” he said, unable to control a chuckle. “Keep your eyes on the target and keep them open. Otherwise you’ll miss.”

“Ah . . . that. Well, that is hard, ‘cause it makes a loud noise, and it’s a reflex.”

“A reflex is when you close your eyes after pulling the trigger. You’re shutting them before.”

“That’s ‘cause I know it’s gonna pop. I’d still call it a reflex. Of sorts.”

“OK, we’re gonna shoot until you get used to it, and you keep your eyes open and focused.”

“Ugh . . . maybe they’ll run out of ammo, or you’ll run out of money, ‘cause that will take a while.”

“Tough chance. Tom gave me one of those limitless gold credit cards, and this range’s marketing slogan is ‘got ammo.’” He laughed. “We’re not leaving here until you’re comfortable handling your gun.”

“But can you at least give me a gun that makes less noise?”

“Alex, you’re handling a brand new Walter PPK: reliable, quiet, low recoil, semi-automatic, concealable, sleek, exquisite. Excellent performance. Great for what we do. Plus, it’s James Bond’s gun, perfect for a spy,” he added and winked.

She looked at the gun in her hand with renewed interest.

“OK, show me again,” she said with determination.

Louie corrected her grip on the gun’s handle.

“Right hand grips the handle and index finger rests on the frame until you’re ready to pull the trigger. Left hand stabilizes from underneath, like this. Expect the sound, the loud bang, and decide to anticipate and welcome it. Bang means the bad guy is down. You wanna see that happening.”

They put their earmuffs back on.

She squeezed the trigger, fighting hard to keep her eyes open.

“Keep on going!” he shouted to make himself heard over the earmuffs.

She shot the entire clip, getting more used to it with every shot.

“Let’s see how you did,” he said, bringing the target closer. “You nicked his ear, took a couple of fingers off his right hand, and gave him a flesh wound in his left thigh. This bad guy’s still coming at you, and you shot an entire clip. Now you have Copyright 2016 - 2024