Devil's Lair (Molotov Obsession #1) - Anna Zaires Page 0,66


“Does this scare you?” he asks, disconcertingly astute. “Is this too much for you?”

It is. Way too much. And yet… “No,” I say, gathering my courage. “It’s not. And I—I don’t want to see anyone else either.”

His nostrils flare. “Good. Once you’re mine, I won’t deal kindly with any man who tries to steal you.”

A startled laugh escapes my throat, but Nikolai doesn’t smile in response. His gaze remains fixed on me, his expression darkly intent, and to my shock, I realize that he means it, that it’s not a joke at all.

I attempt to make it into one anyway. “Possessive much?”

“With you,” he says, his gaze unwavering, “very much.”

My heart stutters to a halt again. “Why me?” I ask when I recover my voice. “Is it because I’m the only woman here, within arm’s reach? Is it a convenience thing or…” I trail off as amusement brightens the dark gold of his eyes, highlighting the flecks of forest green.

“If I were so inclined,” he says gently, “I could have a different woman flown in every week—and I often did before you came. There’s no lack of candidates willing to make the trip, believe me, zaychik.”

Oh, I believe him. Even before I came across those tabloid photos, I knew he must have a stable of gorgeous women at his beck and call. How could he not, with his looks, wealth, and sex appeal?

The wonder is not that women are willing to fly in, it’s that they’re not camped out in the woods.

“Why then?” I ask unsteadily. “Why me?”

He cocks his head. “Do you believe in fate, zaychik?”

“Fate? Like God or destiny?”

“Or predestination. All of us being connected, like threads in a tapestry that was woven long before our births.”

I stare at him, bemused. “I don’t know. I’ve never given it much thought.”

His lips curve in a faint smile. “I have. And I think at some point in the weaving of this tapestry, your thread was joined to mine. Our paths were bound to intersect, our meeting date set long before I saw you. Everything that had happened in our lives had brought us to that point, to that place and time… all the good things and the bad.” His voice roughens. “Especially the bad.”

Like my mom’s death. If not for that, I would’ve never been on this road trip, never seen the job listing, never met him. Not that it means this is fated. But Nikolai seems to believe that, and I have to admit that we wouldn’t be here today without the violent upheaval in my life. And, it sounds like, without some upheaval in his.

“What bad things happened to you?” I ask softly. “Or is that the long story you keep promising me?”

His smile takes on a rueful edge. “More or less. Unfortunately, zaychik, you need to go to sleep, and I have to go meet my brother. How about I call you tomorrow around the same time, and we’ll talk some more?”

“Oh, sure. I didn’t mean to hold you up.”

“You didn’t.” That tender look is in his eyes again, making my heart pound in an erratic, joyous rhythm. “If I could, I’d talk to you all day.”

“Me too,” I admit with a shy smile.

His answering smile is dazzling. “Until tomorrow then. Sleep well, zaychik.”

And as he disconnects the call, I push the computer off my lap and do a dance around the room, grinning so hard my cheeks hurt.



“You’re in a good mood for someone who was almost killed yesterday,” Konstantin says after we place our orders with the waiter, and I realize I’ve been smiling so much even my socially oblivious brother has noticed. And it’s all because of her.


She’s fast becoming my feel-good drug.

I love that she’s beginning to trust me, to accept what’s happening between us. I didn’t want to come on too strongly on our call today, but it was time she knew my intentions—and now she does. More importantly, I got her to admit that she reciprocates my feelings.

Her sweetly murmured “me too” is still playing in my mind on a loop.

“Do you have the report?” I ask, ignoring Konstantin’s comment. It’s none of his business what kind of mood I’m in or why. Besides, there’s nothing like almost dying to make one appreciate life and all of its wonderful possibilities—such as taking Chloe to bed as soon as I get back home.

“Not yet,” Konstantin says, picking up his cup of chamomile tea. “Hopefully, either later today or tomorrow. But we have Copyright 2016 - 2024