Devil's Lair (Molotov Obsession #1) - Anna Zaires Page 0,2

between myself and Boise as possible while staying off the major roads and highways to avoid traffic cameras. My pursuers would’ve had to have a crystal ball to guess that I’d end up in this remote area, much less pick up this local paper. The only way this could be a trap is if they’d placed similar ads in all the newspapers across the country, as well as on all the major job sites, and even then, it feels like a stretch.

No, this is unlikely to be a trap set specifically for me, but it could be something equally sinister.

I hesitate for a moment, then get out of the car and go back into the store.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” I say, approaching the elderly cashier. “Do you live in this area?”

“Why, yes, dearie.” A smile brightens her wrinkled face. “Elkwood Creek born and bred.”

“Great. In that case”—I unfold the newspaper and place it on the counter—“do you know anything about this?” I point at the ad.

She pulls out a pair of reading glasses and squints at the small text. “Huh. Three grand a week for a tutor—must be even richer than they say.”

My pulse jumps in excitement. “You know who placed this ad?”

She looks up, rheumy eyes blinking behind the thick lenses of her glasses. “Well, I can’t be certain, dearie, but rumor has it, some wealthy Russian bought out the old Jamieson property, way up in the mountains, and built a brand-new place there. Has been hiring local boys for some random jobs here and there, always paying cash. No one’s said anything about a kid, though, so it might not be him—but I can’t think of anyone else around these parts with that kind of money, much less anything close to an estate.”

Holy shit. This may actually be for real. A rich foreigner—that would explain both the too-high salary and its cash nature. The man—or more likely the couple, since there’s a child involved—may not know the going rate for tutors around here, or may not care. When you’re wealthy enough, a few grand may be no more meaningful than a few pennies. For me, though, a single week’s paycheck could mean the difference between life and death, and if I were to earn that kind of money for a month, I’d be able to buy another used car—and maybe even some fake papers, so I could get out of the country and disappear for good.

Best of all, if the estate is remote enough, it may take a while before my pursuers find me there—if they ever do. With a cash salary, there would be no paper trail, nothing to connect me to the Russian couple.

This job could be the answer to all my prayers… if I get it, that is.

“Is there a public library anywhere around here?” I ask, trying to temper my excitement. I don’t want to get my hopes up. Even if my resume is the best they get, the hiring process could take weeks or months, and it’s not safe to stick around here that long.

If they found me in Boise, they’ll find me here too.

It’s only a matter of time.

The cashier beams at me. “Why, yes, dearie. Just drive north about ten miles, and when you see the first buildings, take a left, drive past two intersections, and it’ll be on your left, right next to the sheriff’s office.”

“Wonderful, thank you. Do you have a pen?” When she hands it to me, I jot down the directions on the front of the newspaper.

Not having a smartphone with GPS sucks.

“Have a nice day,” I tell the elderly lady, and when I head out this time, there’s a definite bounce in my step.

The tiny library closes at five p.m., so I hurriedly put together my resume and cover letter on one of the public computers, then email both to the address indicated in the ad. Instead of a phone number and email address, I put only my email on the resume; hopefully, that will suffice.

By the time I’m done, the library is closing, so I get back into my car and drive out of the small town, randomly turning onto narrow, winding roads until I find what I’m looking for.

A clearing in the woods where I can park my Toyota behind the trees, out of sight of anyone driving by.

With the car safely situated, I open the trunk and take out another sweater from the suitcase I was lucky enough to have with me when my Copyright 2016 - 2024