Devil's Daughter (The Ravenels #5) - Lisa Kleypas Page 0,66

all your capital on impetuous schemes. My father recommends a slow and steady course of progress, and so do I.”

“I’m not ‘all atwitter,’” Phoebe protested, disliking the implication that she was being flighty or harebrained. “I intend to learn about my tenants’ problems and concerns, and discuss reasonable options to help them.”

A fleeting smile crossed his lips. “Any tenant you ask will have a long list of needs and wants. They’ll do their best to wring every last shilling from you, especially if you’re offering to buy machines to do their work for them.”

“Surely it’s not wrong of them to want their work to be less grueling. They could be more productive with less effort, and perhaps gain some leisure time in the bargain.”

“What do they need leisure time for? What would they do with it? Read Plato? Take violin lessons? These are farm people, Phoebe.”

“I’m not concerned with how they might spend their leisure time. The question is whether they have a right to it.”

“Obviously you think they do.” Edward smiled fondly at her. “That’s evidence of a soft heart, and womanly sympathy, and I delight to find those qualities in you. Now, about the account books . . . if it will set your mind at ease, I’ll return them as soon as possible. Although you won’t be able to make heads or tails of them without me. The estate accounting system has its peculiarities.”

“Then spend an afternoon here explaining accounting to me.”

As soon as the words left her lips, Phoebe remembered the afternoon she’d spent with West . . . poring over books and maps, drinking wine, laughing at his silly quips about cows . . . and those searing minutes when she had ended up on the floor with him, half mad with excitement and pleasure. Oh God, how she wished she could forget. West should have faded from her thoughts by now, but he hadn’t.

In the past three months Edward had made careful advances, developing their friendship into an easy and undemanding courtship. There had been no declarations of wild passion, no smoldering glances or risqué comments. He was too much of a gentleman for that.

Edward’s reply jerked her back to the present. “We’ll make a day of it,” he promised. “However, I won’t have time for that until I return from my trip. That’s the business I came to discuss.”

“What trip?” Phoebe asked, gesturing for him to accompany her to the settee.

“It has to do with the dowager,” Edward said. “She called at my parents’ home yesterday morning.”

“I didn’t know about that.” She shook her head in bemusement. “How is it that I live in the same house and she didn’t see fit to mention it?”

Edward looked rueful. “I gather there’s still friction between the two of you over the redecorating.”

Phoebe groaned and leaned back into the corner of the settee, her gaze lifting heavenward. “I told her she couldn’t turn the entire house into a shrine to Henry’s memory. It was as dark as a morgue. I compromised by leaving most of the upstairs rooms untouched—I’ve even moved out of the master bedroom into a smaller one down the hall—but none of that seems to have satisfied her.”

“She’ll adjust in time,” Edward said. “In the meantime, you’ll be happy to learn she’s found a resort where she wants to winter this year.”

“Georgiana is leaving for the winter?” Phoebe asked blankly. “After badgering me for two years to move back here so she could see her grandchildren every day?”

“Are you looking a gift horse in the mouth?”

“No,” Phoebe said quickly, making him laugh. “When is the gift horse leaving?”

“In two days.”

“So quickly? Goodness gracious.”

“There’s a new resort in Bordighera, at the Italian Riviera, with furnished villas available at reasonable rates. However, there’s a catch. The resort manager has reserved two villas for us to look at, but they can’t be held for long, since they’re in high demand. Georgiana asked me to escort her there and arrange for one of them and see to it that she’s properly settled. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone. At least a fortnight, perhaps longer. If Bordighera isn’t suitable, I’ll have to take Georgiana directly to Cannes or Nice and arrange for something there.”

“It’s a bit early to start wintering before autumn has begun, don’t you think?”

“Gift horse,” he reminded her.

“You’re right.” Phoebe sighed and smiled at him. “It’s very kind of you to go to such trouble for her.”

“No trouble at all. Henry asked me Copyright 2016 - 2024